Why is the narrative falling apart now

Why is the narrative falling apart now

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Other urls found in this thread:


It was a crossword clue a few days ago in the NYT lol

This biolab shit is Dubya tier "we can't let the smoking gun come in the form of a mushroom cloud" accusations of WMDs. If you look at the supposed geolocations of these "labs" via satellite imaging, what do you find? Nothing, zilch, nada.

This shit has already been debunked by many reputable sources. Stop with the pathetic shilling FSB nigger, your last ditch gambit at justifying the war fell apart 3 weeks ago.

This is American disinfo please delete or I'll report you

rightoids not questioning the sources they agree with will always be me favorite set about their "arguments"

oh look its the mossad propagandist with a GRU wife handler

Attached: posobiec mossad.jpg (1011x1167, 602.36K)


Try It

I don't think even russians care about it.

Why won’t mainstream conservative grifters say “Pedophile”

Most boomer post I read all week

Now post screenshots of libs losing their shit.

>cant assad the mossad.

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They are already in this thread

The only screenshots I can see are of this far right supremacist trump supporter.

>tweeting to make the shitlibs triggered
>after they tore down our history
>after they taught your kid to hate himself
>after they told your kids its normal to take hormone treatment
>after they shut the entire country down over a cold
>after they canceled anyone against it
>after they wanted to ban you from even getting groceries for not getting the jab
>after they wanted to take your kids off of you for not getting the jab
>after they gloated online about putting you in camps over not getting the jab
>after they stole an election
>after they called you a terrorist for questioning it
>after they burned down entire cities and neighborhoods
After all this, if you’re still in the “trigger the libtards” mode.. You’re either naive or a grifter. This isn’t a joke anymore. There is only one trigger appropriate for this situation, and it isn’t saying a bad word over social media.

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Im only losing my shit because OP is too lazy to post any screenshots.

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The bioresearch facilities actually exist unlike the yellow cake uranium.

Vicky Nuland admitted it. It should really come as a surprise to no one but the shills on the board we’re explicitly instructed to deny the existence of biolabs at all times during their shill training seminars so here we are.

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Q tier shit. I knew it was bs when all the trending bitchute videos were about saving the children from bio labs

Stop spreading American disinformation talking points. Delete this or I will report you

Zelensky was using chemical weapons to turn his people gay, he must be stopped at all costs!

The US government admitted there was bio labs.

This is so true. After America lied to everyone at the UN and used fictitious wmds to justify invasion, we would be crazy to believe any story about weapons in foreign countries. Except the biolabs in Wuhan which were all China's fault.

>Now post screenshots of libs losing their shit.
i already have an image

Attached: hunter.jpg (1126x1280, 236.46K)

>debunked by many reputable sources
oh nonono
they are very real
I'm sure the Uke and spooks scrubbed those labs as best they could in the circumstances
but the russians will sort it out after a while

until then, mockingbird has ordered silent running

I'm sure those russian DNA samples were for humanitarian purposes

Attached: RussianDNAcomparissionDifferences.jpg (1000x1600, 1022.48K)

we know, but we only do it for the psyops and the trolling


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The punishment for the owner or whoever signed off on the labs, whoever is responsible for it conception, I don’t know who it is, but the bio weapons recovered from there is a breach of some biological weapons convention the us signed some time back, the punishment for breaking it is life in prison

Wanna wager how many people are arrested over it? My guess is zero (0) because US government has no accountability

>Q tier shit
Bro they’ve admitted to it

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Rughtoids are so easily manipulated

There is no proof of bio labs in Ukraine it’s just another Russian disinformation campaign. Slava Ukraini!

Jack and the other glowniggers and russia shills should probably look into the biolabs we have on US soil or where all that anthrax the FBI found mysteriously went after 9/11


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This is an American disinformation talking point please delete

>Rughtoids are so easily manipulated

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Same sources that debunked Hunter laptop?

>saving chil.....
what is "well poisoning" ?

Attached: SmokingGunNulandAdmitsUS_Biolabs2.png (1200x486, 648.28K)

Is that Warcraft 1 ?

>If you look at the supposed geolocations of these "labs" via satellite imaging,
>feign to not know google map is censored

>The punishment for the owner or whoever signed off on the labs, whoever is responsible for it conception, I don’t know who it is, but the bio weapons recovered from there is a breach of some biological weapons convention the us signed some time back, the punishment for breaking it is life in prison

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