Has this level of mass conformity ever been witnessed in known history Any Forums?

Has this level of mass conformity ever been witnessed in known history Any Forums?

> The domination of the public way in which things have been interpreted has already decided upon even the possibilities of being attuned, that is, about the basic way in which Da-sein lets itself be affected by the world. - Martin Heidegger

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Any Forums is literally the same NPC, except "I support the opposite of current thing"

no tranny, I'll never support kikes, niggers, faggots, or woman.

Always a fucking globohomo leaf, no mate, Any Forums disagree on many things but all agree globohomo has to go.

>Any Forums is literally the same NPC, except "I support the opposite of current thing"

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>>this is normal and and you do it too!
Compliance isnt comparable to critical thinking shill.

>critical thinking how now become “Muh mindless contrarianism”
Get raked

Well there is one thing both sides agree on

Attached: POL CHUG UHG.png (429x444, 15.42K)

Which makes sense since all the events that we are supposed to care about are orchestrated by the same forces to our disadvantage. The question is why anyone would support them and why in high numbers and why so fanatically. And not why one wouldn't support them.

Zogbots aren't white

>do the opposite of what normies do
>having sex for example


Attached: chud_does_not_support.jpg (320x320, 29.54K)

kek the left can't meme

Sometimes so much that decades later history still remembers a fairy tale.

"Here's the new globohomo sponsored thing you should care about"
Hm what about no
"See? You're exactly like NPCs"


Indeed, theyre fucking gay and idiotic. Based chud meme creators were based eugenicists.

Getting fucked in the ass isn't having sex

This meme is fucking shit even by leftist standards hahahahaahha

>Any Forums
>critical thinking
Pick one and only one.

And they're still pushing it 24/7

I mean they literally have nothing. Sure you can do better kike shills, come on

>Has this level of mass conformity ever been witnessed in known history Any Forums?

No but paradoxically i'm not witnessing any conformity re the ukraine/Russia in real life. Weird that innit

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there isn't mass conformity...you have simply been led to believe 90% of people support globohomo/faggots and the other 90% belive this aswell.

The shill quality has certainly dropped, they must have outsourced it to the third world

They could at least come up with something original. Or then again... maybe not.

I did think about this but I deal with lots of normies in daily life and unless they are lying, they all mostly support current things

Its hilarious as fuck. The political right and left as well is full of dudes, who just cant fuck. And to mock these people, we have that meme.

Just look at the vax percentages across Europe. NPCs lined up for an experimental toxic shot cause tv told them so. This was before any vax passport plan, you can't even blame "muh vacations". They're just that retarded.
Claiming it's not the case does not help. 90% of people out there is literally incapable of rational thought.