Lmao this retard trusted America

Ukrainians who trusted America are learning the same about America lesson as Navalny. If only they could of made that same realization a month ago they might not of ruined their entire country.

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The best thing is - It's fully deserved.

How is this americas fault? Russians unfairly jail a based crusader against the putin filth and its somehow americas fault? Any Forums is literally a board for third worlders to seethe and cope now? How many of you losers are actual global south niggers? Lol. Get wrecked.


Good. No more legalised buttsex in Russia for at least 9 years

>everything that happens is because of america

True beta mindset there, Ivan Banan

we gave him false hope

They still have January 6th protestors, Canadian freedom truck protestors, and Julian Assange in prison.

Our countries have absolutely no morale high ground here.

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It might not be legal, but it's still all over the place in that degenerate shithole

Russia is the AIDS capital of Europe and Moscow is known for hosting the biggest gay clubs in the world.

Very dirty monkes


He went back to Russia of his own accord and probably to precisely create the political tension he is creating. The man is a based and brave hero for what's he's doing. Essentially martyrdom. He will survive through this and be president of Russia soon.

>Bling America for things the Russians obviously did
Kill yourself you gay cunt

We sent an obvious 5th column foreign asset into a country that we knew would arrest him immediately for selling his country out to the CIA and we did it because we knew he would be arrested and we could use it for propaganda purposes. We tricked low IQ Navalny into sacrificing himself for globohomo.

>Russians unfairly jail

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LOL kill yourself you nignog. Just because u don't understand valour and sacrifice and martyrdom doesn't mean we Chad whites don't. Your inability to grasp these higher ideals is why you live in some filthy 3rd world shithole and your dodging malaria right now. He is a hero. Fuck putin.

>might not of
How to tell OP is a ESL retard who doesn’t belong here. Neck yourself, faggot.

His reports about the corruption were good but as a politician I would not trust him

>we Chad whites

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He's going to die in prison.

>If only they could of made that same

When (American flag) writes "could of" instead of "could have" I know I'm in the presence of glory of US retard which is unparalelled in universe.

So brave, we can only pray that one day we too will become martyrs for globohomo


>caring about slavs of any sort
You have to go back. I know you've found a good job in the building trades but those properly belong to Irish people.


>chad white
>caring about the politics of some corrupt shithole just coz they ain't darkies
Your sort are the reason for England's decline.

>His reports about the corruption were good

And that isn't his work.

Fair enough

The only people who ruined their country are the boneheads running things in the Kremlin

Everything is America fault, Any Forums is niggers of Any Forums

Navalny is an open and stone cold racist, why doesn't Any Forums support him?


Kek he's a whore for the US state dept and so are you. At least we won't have to hear him kvelling like Lewinsky for nine years.

Hillary Clinton and the Democrats worked with Russian Intelligence to create the "Steele Dossier Conspiracy theory", which was proven to be 100% false and a crime against Donald Trump and his supporters.

When the Democrats\Progressives want to attack their enemies, they use Russian Contacts\Intelligence.

Russia is a bad guy, only when the Progressives\Chicken Hawks no longer have a use for them.

The democrats look like they are stabbing Putin in the back after his help in removing Donald Trump in office.

Who would want to be a progressive, as they work with your enemies to take you down, then attack your enemies in fake political theatre to generate money and silence their opposition?

"I walked right up to Putin and said 'You have no soul, just like me'" - Joe Biden, 2020

"No one is closer to Putin than me" - Hillary Clinton, 2020

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it's usually a retarded beaner but there's plenty of mutts who just don't get it, i can't wrap my head around it why they can't learn such a simple thing

cause putins propaganda told them hes bad

Wait where is he racist.

Nah, fuck Russia, fuck Russians, fuck tyranny.

when did he ever have reason to trust america, nigger?
he's never even been to america as far as I know

Russians ruined Ukraine, not the USA. You are a dishonest, lying piece of shit.

It's like with the OCCRP and other such groups - cutouts for the US government.