This fucking Manchurian candidate is attempting to install

A Soros affiliated judge to the Supreme Court

Ketanji Brown Jackson is directly affiliated with Demand Justice, and Demand Justice is HEAVILY funded by the Open Society Foundation.

Open Society also contributed directly to Jackson as early as 2008.

Could Biden please stop being globohomos fucking bitch please?

Attached: ketanji-biden-1.jpg (2000x1333, 577.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Not my problem

What are you going to do about it? My guess is you won’t do anything to stop this. You get what you deserve.

A dumb negro who will bring in half of Atlanta or Memphis to write her legal opinions.

Isn’t the Supreme Court full? Who is the pedophile ((())) trying to replace

The forced Stephan Breyer to retire by harassing him with various media outlets for a couple years to get him to drop his seat so they could fill it with this fucking Soros cunt.

Americans worship the jews so much they willingly circumcise their own sons as a proof to the rabbis that their loyalties will forever lie with the jews and their agenda. No questions asked.

No other white nation in the world will ever circumcise their children, its considered a barbaric ritual solely known to semitic tribes in africa and the middle east, not pure white cultures.

Your entire nation was broken by the jews for their globohomo agenda and its way to late for you now. Every day you need to lube up your dried out dick to wank is a another day the jews laugh at their goy golems.







holy shit! you should whine about it SUPER HARD on a childrens cartoon forum...thanks for saving the future!

Would have been very surprised if he didn't try to put in some niggress communist plant.

I wish was a fed. Just a regular guy who is tired of the nonsense and all the so called patriots who are actually massive cowards.

Damn man, anyways who wants to play some kit pvp in Minecraft obviously

Said the leaf.

Silly me, I read the link as "Dark-Monkey-Group

Sodom And Gomorrah Time

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Haven’t been following this shit.. is there any realistic expectation that her nomination can be stopped or is it inevitable at this point

This is the lowest this country has fallen in terms of some semblance of judicial neutrality. Does anyone really think we won't know what all her rulings will be on any future case?

that nigger bitch looks like the living embodiment of pic related

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They're going all in on the USA. They've seen how much we cucked with the vaccine and They've seen how much work they needed to do in the US. Guys, do fucking something. Don't become like us.

Got to be some old law about not permitting non humans into supreme court jobs.

She's roughly as liberal as Breyer, the judge she's succeeding. She's an utterly unremarkable boring choice, and the right is shitting their collective pants because she's black, despite being well qualified and serving as a federal judge for years very uncontroversially.


> non humans


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Spare me. We all know it's affirmative action. Denying that makes it more so.

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She's more qualified than any of the competitors that were shortlisted by Breyer, prove me wrong, you can't

>prove me wrong, you can't
All you have to do is OPEN YOUR EYES

Please let Manchin and Sinema vote against her nomination so we can see the seething of the century!

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Jeebus ain’t saving you from shit.

Black woman with glasses is a toxic phenotype. Anytime I have to deal with one I know it will be a sub-optimal outcome, at best. I don't understand why; something about poor eyesight in negresses must have a correlation with some kind of mental defective genome.

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Demand justice is a subgroup of sixteen thirty fund, which is a subgroup of Arabella investors, which is funded by the gates foundation, the Walton foundation, and a Swiss billionaire named Wyss. They funnel money in and out of each other so donors stay nameless in the majority of cases.
Look into Arabella group, and find how far their tendrils sink.

One of their many groups goals is to make the rural Midwest more overrun with joggers.

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You're not wrong. I work with 8 professional women, 4 are black and the only one who gives me shit for being white is the one with glasses. Thick, zazzy glasses, too

All of the Supreme Court justices are corporate whores.

According to Ben (((Goldfarb))) 19% of rural population numbers are people of jogging and the number is rising thanks to his actions.

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