The scale and scope of the Russian attack is remarkable...

The scale and scope of the Russian attack is remarkable. They captured territory in three weeks that is larger than the land mass of the United Kingdom

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your mum is larger than the land mass of the United Kingdom

We are currently at 4 weeks.
They "captured" jackshit mutt.
Uk is not a big country.
The m^2 you countdown as acptured comes from Russiafriendly chinksites.

In other words stop excusing russian failures

They didnt even capture capital 100km away from staging borders

Fpbp. OP eviscerated.

>50% of Americans are obese
You might not be wrong, compatriote

They clearly understimated the efficacy of western advisers embedded within the Ukraine military. Now, if they managed to encircle the ukrainian troops in the Donbass region, the ukrainian front will collapse fast. If Russia captures Ukraine within 4 months, or even 6 months, it's still a massive victory. Now, they'll need more men and ammos than what they have now.

10000 martyrs in the war against globohomo is just the beginning.
Many in the West will die freeing our lands from the traitors and their Jew backers

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>10k dead to capture mud fields

Attached: 3.jpg (480x480, 34.76K)

I still don't get it why Russia even is there


>scale and scope
you mean cope?


No, they did however make it from Fort Lauderdale to Palm beach in 4 weeks. A bit further in the south.

Also don’t be retarded.


Natural Gas reserves.

Not a single instance of a Ukrainian regiment or brigade size unit attacking and defeating a comparable Russian unit. Instead, the Russians have split the Ukrainian Army into fragments and cut their lines of communication.

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Thats some costly gas.
Some may call it Bloodgas - Revenge of the GOK™
This is my original idea, do not steal.

>Believes the Ukrainian propaganda


no lol

its essential for their security. baltic states are too small for an invasion army and a ballisitc missile defence system. also the black sea is controlled from crimea.

ukraine feeds the world. you will notice soon enough how important that is.

cui bono? the usa benefits most from this, thats why they provoked putin to invade.
now germany buys expensive LNG from the USA, spends 2% of GDP on defence, cancels nordstream2 and probably all economic ties with russia. thats exactly what think tanks predicted


no shit, 100 goriillion russian troops killed by ukrainian babies with bare hands


you are not even trying, huh