The politics of coffee

When someone asks, is coffee good for you? I answer, that’s a complex question. It is good for me in the sense that it energized my morning routine and it may certainly have physiological benefits. However, there is a greater discourse to be had. For am I not but a part of the whole? A constituent of a larger body, a species? Indeed, could it be that, perhaps, what is good for an individual or a handful of individuals could be bad for the whole of humanity? Perhaps. So maybe the question, more accurately stated, is: “is coffee good for us?”

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But is coffee bad for those who work to produce it? Indeed, it is hard labor and pays poorly. Often those who profit from coffee are the oligarchical strong-men who control the industry. Coffee is produced In a great many countries, from Mexico to Ethiopia to Sumatra. So where do find ourselves? The westerners who benefit from coffee essentially oppress a great many people in many countries to get their joe. So if a greater number people are hurt by the coffee trade than benefit, then coffee must Shirley be bad for us. Right? Well hold on…

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Consider if you will, the humble jet engine. Would it exist without coffee? I postulate that the majority of great inventions in the past several hundred years exist because their inventors were fueled by coffee. The rocket, the car, the computer, the machine gun, the internal combustion engine, the sextant. All would not exist but not for coffee! Coffee has fueled our geniuses, our super-men. So surely the advance of technology justifies the subjugation of coffee peasants. Right? So coffee is indeed good for us? Well….

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As a certain Theodore once said, “The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.” Read the manifesto, or, ask your local eco-fascist. There is a strong argument to be had that the grand march of technology is grinding humanity down, dehumanizing is, as flour in a mill. And what, I ask, is fueling the march of technology? Coffee! If we accept the arguments of one polish cabin enthusiast, then we must answer the question: “is coffee good for us?” in the emphatic negative! Surely this is the final word on discourse? The answer to the question of coffee lies in the answer to technology. Well, so it may seem, but I have one more thing for you to consider.

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These girls have 100% guaranteed been with a Black lover

Consider the humble civet cat. What an outsized economic value this small animal has! “Civet coffee”, so it’s called, is some of the most expensive coffee on earth. What is civet coffee, you ask? It’s cat shit coffee. The civet consumes coffee beans and defecates them out his ass and humans collect them to be brewed. If I were to obtain civet coffee, I could serve it to guests unbeknownst to them, they would gleefully drink shit. What a scenario! The act of an absolute Nietzscheian ubermensch. The possibility of this scenario convinced me that I am not part of a greater whole, no I am the lone man who must tower over my inferiors but feeding them shit. Is coffee good for me? Yes.

Thank you for listening to my essay. Fuck those lazy jannies if this hasn’t been deleted yet.

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But really, is coffee GOOD for you?

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Stop wasting my time with nippleless booba postings

Nuh uh

Yes, see my conclusion

I wouldn’t want to violate board laws


Excuse me?


You already are. This is an off topic and Any Forums tier post. So nipple it up, buttercup.

The conclusion is posted above

>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...

Nipples are easy to come by dumbfuck.

The civet is a creature that had to evolve in unison with coffee. Thusly its pheroreceptors are millions of years in the making, making humans selection process of coffee, a few hundred years, a mere blink in nature. It's nose and nature is attuned to finding, coincidentally, the most ripe and perfect coffee berries. Eating only the best of a single bunch, per branch, per bush. It's survival happens to be the finest selection process for a human delicacy known to man. Once eaten, the berry goes through another million year selection process. It's stomach acids and bioflora only dissolving the berry, while the natural oil of the bean provide an outer coating to protect itself from the civet digestive system. Proving again that nature evolves together. While further along the digestive tract, the bean is protected and nearly instantly deposited due to its speed through the civet. Again an animal and plant forming a symbiotic relationship. The bean is then collected, washed, cleaned, then roasted until it the seed "pops" for a second time. It is (or used to be before civet/kopi luwak farms) the finest, most "basic", and most involved process between nature and man the world has ever seen. While also being the finest coffee I've yet experienced, it is also a marvel to consider that the industrial revolution and it's consequences were due to a shepard noticing his goats dancing.

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If caffeine has anything more than a very mild almost imperceptible stimulating effect on you. You're either a child or you've got weak genetics and deserve the rope.

Very interesting! Tell me more of this shepherd.

Go back to drinking tea you lined filth