How come Japan is so superior to U.S.A?


>More Cultural Heritage Sites than Muttland
>Highest life expectancy in the world
>Almost no foreigners living there, specially bl*cks
>Strong values
>Hard working, honor and loyalty are the most important thing for them
>Almost no crime at all
>Fantastic videogames, anime, music, manga, cinema, cuisine
>Extremely cute women

Meanwhile the United States of Amerimutts is only known for

>U.S has higher suicide and homicide rates than Japan
>bad music
>poor terrible education and healthcare.
>fat ugly women that feels superior to everyone

What went so wrong with Amerimutts?

At least Mexico is more visited than Japan, has good food and Mesoamerican pyramids and strong culture.

Also Mexico is the only country that doesn't need visa to travel to Japan for 6 months.

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lack of niggers

why is this thread posted daily by bots. what are they trying to achieve?

japan is so good that they have the highest suicide rate of any other country, wake the fuck up you weebo pedo nigger

That's a man

I always wondered if suicide is common with high IQ


all of those above are made possible by the us, or else theyd be raped by russia after ww2

Japan sucks american dick, they will fall.

>Extremely cute women
incel's fingers typed this.
and they would never date a white man, only if you are 10/10 by American standard.

>Almost no foreigners living there, specially bl*cks
There's your main reason

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Not really, maple nigger.

I'm hiding your beaner thread.

Japan doesn't have anywhere near the highest suicide rate. It's marginally higher than average but not some crazy outlier.

>usa has bad music.

Uh hum. Sweetie...

The USA is full of niggers and kikes.

How is the military base in Japan?


Don't be a faggot. It's not. Just go outside.

You answered your own question. Theyre not mutts like Americans. Theyre one people, one culture. Thats why Globohomo wants to destroy them by importing niggers and muslims.

Your country is such a joke you have to compare another one to ours to take a shit on it. The answer is this: because America is full of Yids, Spics, and Niggers.

Anime is fucking lame pedro. Save like a few of myazakis gems and akira, the vast majority of anime is literally so rampatlnt with faggortry, it's probably a contributing factor to the tranny epidemic.

>shitskin thinks its allowed online
didnt read anything but your title. go away, you brown-eyed beast. you will never be welcome here. you will never be apart of the group. you are an inferior, repugnant beast that i would earnestly shoot dead without hesitation. you should be grateful that most peoples of exclusive european descent are peaceful, or else you and your worthless family would be butchered like feral animals.

heres to hoping you and the people you love die in agony, shitskin. you will always be inferior.

It’s over for Mexico.

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More Mexicans have been leaving than coming in for the last ten years. We’re now mostly getting Central Americans. Central Americans have a much smaller population than Mexico and the birthrate of Latin America is below replacement. We’ll run out of people migrating from there within fifteen years.

Peter Zeihan talks about it from 8:06 to 9:13.

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Because Asians have a superior culture and I.Q. Why do White people keep asking this retarded question?

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The birth rate of Mexico is below replacement.

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The birth rate of latinx in the USA is below replacement and dropping faster than it is for whites.

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The Jews plan on bringing in Africans to replace Latinx. That’s why our media is filled with blacks, to psychologically condition us for what’s to come.

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European Americans will need to secede to preserve their recessive genes in North America. Ideally this would happen after Russia and China have collapsed and Balkanized. Otherwise they’ll fund all sides of a civil war turning the USA into something like the Middle East. Non-Europeans would die from crumbling infrastructure (water going to the Southwest would be cut off) and European-Americans would eventually take back everything lost.

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This. It's that simple.

you are a fkin mutt, if the jews are that good ur low IQ amerimutt brain wouldnt be able to keep up with their kikery, schizo fag

If European Americans don’t secede and Africans aren’t imported then on a long enough timeline Castizo USA will wage war on Mestizo Mexico. There’s no racial solidarity between Hispanics, Castizos look down on Mestizos and Mestizos envy Castizos. We have a much larger white population and better stock of whites (Germanic and Anglo instead of Semite and Med). All Mestizo men women and children will be put to the sword and everything to the Panama Canal will be annexed.

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huge nose on that thing

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Latinx like to LARP about annexing the Southwest but what they really want is to live around whites. Their biggest fear is white secession. It’s the life goal of every latinx to breed with a white. It’s embedded in their culture. They all have an inferiority complex from being mixed race.
Latinx are so dysgenic, I don’t blame them for believing in “mejorar la raza”. They sacrificed all of their good looking women to the gods so only the most ugly survived long enough to breed.

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