There's no way to be an alpha male in the west anymore. It's unironically over

You could be literally the World's Sexiest Man.


Movie star.

Sex symbol.

Wealthy as fuck.

Internationally famous.

All women want you.

All men want to be you.

It doesn't matter. You're still going to get bitch slapped by the """Justice System""".

Say good bye to your kids and open up your wallet for the alimony and child support payments. For life.

Because this is the cost of living in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave™. Nothing more or less than all your dignity, worth and legacy being taken away.


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You can be an alpha just don't become common-law and pump and dump

Why the fuck would he want to spend more time with the kids that aren't his?

As the Buddha stated:
Worthless man, it would be better that your penis be stuck into the mouth of a poisonous snake than into a woman's vagina. It would be better that your penis be stuck into the mouth of a black viper than into a woman's vagina.

To be fair he adopted them, he wasn't the cuck step dad

Brad Pitt is female to male trans. Truth is stranger than fiction.

Nothing like a mother depriving her kids of time with their dad as a way to get revenge. Tell me again how women are remotely compassionate or decent. At times I don't think women qualify as human.

Yup this convinced me, it's over. If a chad like him can't keep a a woman, none of us chuds can. Time to pack my bags to Thailand

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lol did he actually say that? who was he talking to?

He’s there to demoralize you.

Found a lost one. Go back to Facebook.

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>five minor children
tranny, nigger, monkeys

nice feet

forgot the pic

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>All men want to be you.
I just want to live in NYC and work in fintech.

But heavenly Buddha, what's the difference?

That's what he gets for dumping Aniston in favor of a cancer patient.

>make war porn movies about killing nazis
>still shafted by jews
There is no clearer sign of incoming disaster than being on the same side as satanic kikes.

she hit the wall

you wouldnt like it. i left NYC a few days ago and went to Moscow. NYC is a nigger town where you have to be tripple vaxxed and a nigger to get any job

he shoulda stuck with Jennifer Aniston. He brought it on himself.

if i was him i would have her and her whole family murdered then id run off to russia

>be pittie
>spend your life shilling for feminism
>get fucked over

What's funny actually is if you go to some place like marketwatch there are all these stories of seething roasties whining "MY HUSBAND WON'T PUT MY NAME ON THE HOUSE DEED SO NOW I CAN'T GET IT FROM HIM IN THE DIVORCE REEE" or "MY PARTNER WON'T MARRY ME BECAUSE I'M 600K IN DEBT AND HE'S GOT 600K IN SAVINGS/INVESTMENTS AND DOESN'T WANT ME TO DIVORCE HIM AND TAKE HIS MONEY REEEEE".

Women getting bitchslapped by the system they ruined is funny.

reddit spacing


i see ads all over for law firms specializing just in helping men only. thats how fucked up it is.

She’s batshit crazy, I seen that before his dumb ass left Jen

Chad is a meme. They only truly existed in the past. Male models / celebrities, atheletes, gym bros & tinder slayers aren't chads. Fucking 10 million women & producing no heirs or no quality heirs isn't what a chad is. Breeding with a high status wife & producing strong sons to carry on your name / legacy, & high status daughters to bear & raise children for other high calibre males of your ethnic stock is the definition of Chad.
>While you'll find Chad looks, you'll be hard pressed to find true Chad behaviour.