The Jew fears the DIY Ultrasonic ghost/Ayy lmao sensor running home brew software

The Jew fears the DIY Ultrasonic ghost/Ayy lmao sensor running home brew software.

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Laser or

The light glows blue when you walk by the device. I set it up so it glows every time you walk through the doorway

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So we're clear, you expect ayys to be walking around inside your house correct?

the Jew fears the part time volunteer fire marshal

There’s SOMETHING passing by my door… Completely random, see my pic, dunno why my sensor would pick that up.

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kid did you know there was a time when we actually made our own stuff instead of using transducer board made specifically by the manufacture for our toy project? not impressed. etch your own board and then talk to us.

fucking aliens man

>using transducer board made specifically by the manufacture
That’s the idea here, only I can save sensor data straight to disk, and run a web server that shows JS graphs of data.

Since I wrote the software in Python, the fancy thing I can do in 15 minutes is send an email every time the sensor detects something… You could imagine if you had a temperature sensor, to email or SMS you if a room with the raspberry pi gets dangerously hot… IoT they call it.

what the hell am i talking to? you're too drunk for electronics.

>There’s SOMETHING passing by my door…
I like this, but just to be clear this is POL not X so perhaps come up with a political slant, like you have information showing the guilt of Hillary Clinto

Is that a Rasberry Pi?

I have the same setup but mines to detect if my work from home wife is fucking my neighbor

Rig it to shoot an iron thumbtack at it every time it goes off.

arduino with a hall sensor and some blue ledd
wow, my 9 year old built this too with his arduino kit OP

Hi John. Not yet
t. Your neighbor

congrats on the pi porn user. i tried to do something similar never got it to work

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have you tested its sensibility to bugs and dust? maybe thats giving you false positives

did this nigger just make a jew detector?

Holy fucking shit OP the Any Forums algorithm is trying to tell us something fucking kektastic...

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