Should paternity fraud be outlawed?

Should paternity fraud be outlawed?

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Yes if you make someone raise someone else's kid under the guise of their own you are sub human

Women shouldn't be allowed to vote, they've thoroughly shitted up society.


Fake story, only teens write like this, not a person who had experienced this trauma

if you get pulled into reddit fake stories, you're an idiot

Yes, duh, how is this even a question. Why should a man pay for a child he didn't sire. The man who sired the child should pay and raise the child. Why should the man who sired the child be allowed to steal time and money from another man. This is also technically a two person crime as it takes and male as well as a female to breed a new human.

Lmao imagine being such a sensitive spineless excuse for a man that you care whose sperm and genetic material joined with the egg. If you're raising them, it's your kid. End of story. Any man who walks out after finding out a child isn't "his" doesn't deserve to be a parent. The rest of the world should make paternity tests illegal without court order like in France

Spoken like someone raising a black kid who isn't theirs

The part about women cuckolding their husbands constantly is very true though

Not to mention the mix up ages. Unless the father stayed in school for an extra decade

My gf's daughter is mixed-race, yes. What of it? Is that the extent of your argument? Wow, very burn, much impress. (/doge)

Man that poor poor man should have stuck it out for his daughters. I know he would be the ultimate cuck for raising daughters of another man but those girls really loved them as their father. Really glad those girls cut off their stupid bitch mother

>My grandpa(80M)

a 30 year old person would not feel need to clarify their 80 year old grandfather was male.

it was written by a 14-16 year old i think.


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ayy mang delete this it was a good story, definitely worth Gold.

>Should paternity fraud be outlawed?
We should outlaw paternity tests. It destroys families like in the OP.

Uh it is

Adultery destroys families not paternity tests.

Unironcally a male relationship doesn't necessarily have to be blood for it to be very strong, in some cases stronger than blood so the dad could probably have done ok with his fake-son. Daughters who gives a shit about in the first place ammirght?

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that's what the french do, why a yuropoors like this?
you can avoid reality but you can't avoid the consequences of avoiding reality

>literally my wife's son poster
10/10 if troll

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It should be punished much more harshly than rape.

You must go back. There are any number of websites where your level of faggotry is held as a standard. You are not wanted here.

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>can't detect tone because he's a phone zoomer

YOU must go back.

If an adultery falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it (or DNA test it), what sound does it make? Adultery can and does go undiscovered and happy families ensue. fatherhood is determined by society not by biology. Until a DNA test is done, there is no betrayal. Paternity tests are the issue and should be banned unless a judge orders it.

Wrong, faggot. but what would reading from a phone screen or a pc screen have to do with tone?

I get that you guys all think that raising "someone else's kid" is some sort of meme, but I'm the only father this girl has ever known. She is mine and I am hers. Who the fuck cares whose sperm it was? You guys get hung up on some weird petty shit.

lel nice larp nigger

if you treat tongue in cheek tone as real tone
when its obvious
and say "Go back" shit

youre trying to prove you belong here
and you dont
go back

It doesnt take a DNA test. At any point the guy she cheated with could swing by and destroy the fake reality she made. Paternity tests should be performed by default before you get a birth certificate. That would discourage adultery and lying about paternity.

Women are perpetual teenagers. I can believe it.

Women write like that.

Lol nope. Your genetic heritage is all you have, it is the ONLY way to project your existence into the future. If you get cucked you may as well have never existed.

>fatherhood is determined by society not by biology.
society is shit tho

Please do the world a favor and get a vasectomy

no, they don't, teens write like that, i know you can't evaluate women as a typical Any Forums poster and the fact that you bothered to type some wrong shit like that and post it

You forgot that most women can only write like teenagers have you ever tried reading female «authors» especially them fanfics shit filled with rape and incest
Still it’s highly probable that it’s fake

You're a fucking retard. I have 50 year old aunts who write texts to me with that exact pattern. Eat shit you dumbass.

>his daughters
Except they werent.

you text with your 50 year old aunts?.....

Nice troll second-class Austria have some French croissant

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You don't? It's weird to not keep in contact with your family incel.


15 year olds trying to act on Any Forums is so funny

no i do not text my aunt bro