Just finished watching this

Documentary from 2016 so inb4 "muh Russian propaganda" faggotry.

Putin's not kidding. Ukraine is infested with Nazis and this film gives a really good insight into the NGO color revolutions sponsored by the CIA. Fucking Victoria NUUUULAND and their coup d'état. NATO's 13 nation expansion since '91 and great historical context of Ukraine and the old SSR.

Unbelievable how normies wave their little Ukrainian flags and have no clue about anything. Meanwhile, faggot Trudeau calls the war measures act for honking while supporting an outright, undemocratic ousting of an elected president. Fueled by NGO's funded by Soros.
I hate liberals.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>Oliver Stein
fuck off Israelite

>Ukraine is infested with Nazis

>Nazis bad
sup reddit

If the cartel decided to up and call themselves Nazis would they also be heckin based?

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Reddit loves azog

>socialism bad
Yes, we're facists and they're nazis both are socialist and both are SHIT. Fucking bootlicker.

Oliver stone always does a good job OP. This documentary should be seen by everyone. Wonder why jewtube and other jews don't want anyone to see it? Probably because they killed Jesus, Kennedy (Stone also covered this one). The jews are evil. What are you gonna do?

Do they need to hear the fucker say it in ukrianain

B-b-b-b- half of pol say nazi good??

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Since the Second World War, Nazism has been part of Ukrainian culture. It makes sense why this would be the case, too. If some communist dictator (Jospeh Stalin) tried to starve me out for refusing to collectivize my farm and relinquish all of my family’s grain, then I’d probably side with the Nazis against the communists.


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there is a 2019 sequel worth watching

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What a shit comparison, the Ukrainian SS divisions were some of the most import german divisions. This isn't like cartels becoming nazis, these guys literally fought in the german army.

Um sweaty

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>Throughout the film, Russian President Vladimir Putin,
>former pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych
>and former Ukrainian Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko,
>as well as American journalist Robert Parry are interviewed,
>mostly by Oliver Stone, about the events of recent Ukrainian history.
not fucking biased at all. nope

>not green text
you have to go back newfag

Thanks, checking it out

can't speak to the main point, so attack the messenger

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it's so funny how newfags here on Any Forums think they'd enjoy life under nazi rule. they post shit like above while having 4 other tabs open with bbc, tranny, slampig and video game threads on them.

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You just don't understand Democracy. It's who we are. Who we are is current thing. Current thing is our values. What does this mean? Why would you ever question our values? Who we are?

>these guys LITERALLY fought in Germany
No more than you fought for the axis retard. WWII was over 80 years ago

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>n-n-no you can't just make a documentary and not interview the azog-nazis that refuse to be revealed as the golem they are
imagine thinking anything is unbiased and refusing to inspect all sides to come to your own conclusion

The super Mario shirt really ties it all together

You posted this word for word yesterday

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Oh shit, I totally forgot, Morty Schwartz said Ukraine was built by Jews and Ukrainians are all Jews and they love Jews so much and 6-10 million were definitely systematically gassed and/or masturbated to death and then cremated and/or turned into lampshades

I no longer believe what I said before because Morty Schwartz, a Jew, opened my eyes to the truth

That’s a great history lesson but I highly doubt any of the niggers who “literally” fought under the nazis would support a jew president backed by a globohomo empire. idk maybe I should just believe your autism instead of my lying eyes.

and this faggot posted the same reply as well

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yeah he did a really good job laying out the case for why ukraine needs to burn.
have you seen the second part of this yet, OP? its worth watching alone for that piece of ass wife of Medvedchuk

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Yeah user they co-opted symbols that’s what larpers and kikes have a tendency to do. Did the forward observation group ride on Blackbeard’s ship too?