Niggers are wreaking havoc in Miami during spring break

Niggers are wreaking havoc in Miami during spring break.

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weren't there miami spring break threads last year that used this exact stock image. is anything really happening or is this an infinite loop

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>In other news, the sky is blue and water is wet.


FUCK spring breakers

the era of Bacchus is over for university students


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Miami is a nigger hell hole. Stay the fuck away from there at all costs. Its like NYC Baltimore, Philly, Atlanta but worse. The nigs are more active down there

White kids now go to mexico just to price out the niggers.

I just wanna see a bunch of she boons twerking on the hood of a cop car, sport bikes doing donuts, and niggers throwing up gang signs. I can then sleep a happy man tonight

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Who would have thought that rich, horny college kids in a "multicultural center" looking for booze, drugs, and parties would lead to shootings...

do non-joggers avoid miami at this point?

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It's the fucking Haitians. Even niggers hate haitians.

t. white boy scared of a little gun violence.

I checked Reddit and they have everything under control anons

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Joggers have taken over Miami, even during spring break. The media is showing nothing but disgusting sheboons in thongs twerking. Back in the day, spring break news always showed a few pictures of hot blondes in bikinis, now, it's out of control beach niggers.

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>Even niggers hate haitians.
Appropriate sentence. Haitians are even lower than niggers. They are their own level of hell.

Geeh, even in a state that was pretty based on Covid restrictions,
State of emergency and curfews sure got normalized quickly didn't they?

Well are you all dropping Red Pills to the spring breakers?

Yah u so big n brave calling nigger here online but u call me a nigger to muh face n i break yo fucking face

>Yah u so big n brave calling nigger here online but u call me a nigger to muh face n i break yo fucking face
Are you the father?

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This never used to happen. You know, before niggers took over spring break 10 years ago.

middle left

I don't have to call you a nigger to your face. Thinking it in my head when you walk past is enough for me. Plus I don't feel like dealing with a nigger chimping out around me.

debauchery doesn't look any different a year later

how long until spring break has to be quietly done away with for safety reasons

This is news?
It happens every year.
Nobody's going to so shit unless some white kid shoots a nigger for acting like a nigger.