Why is raw milk illegal?

Why is raw milk illegal?

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Because Humans have been consuming it from the beginning of time, and it would help our gut culture and immune system.

The same reason seed oils and corn syrup are being put into everything. To make us sick so we have to pay into "medical care". They don't want us eating our natural foods because that would make us healthier.

Its essentially the same health wise as fresh water from a river. Drinking it once or twice won't kill you, but if you consumed it everyday then eventually the small chance of it carrying a disease will kill you.

Just selling any other unsanitized food is illegal

legal in almost all of US and europe
only illegal in leafland
fix your faggot country

Lately I've been looking at a lot of cheese making videos.
Owning just one cow to get all your dairys from would be kind of cool.

I've been curious about raw milk. What can I expect in terms of health benefits if I drink it?

Heh.. it depends on the state in US

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Corporate interest and lobbying. Raw milk represents a threat to the huge feedlot dairy companies. So they lobby the govt based on "health" reasons in order to keep it illegal, so the market is cornered.

This is only in muttland though, it's pretty much legal or quasi legal everywhere else (this is because in burgerland there is no distinction between big business and big government).

So in conclusion, death to America you pig mutt motherfuckers.

Dude like you'll literally like live forever man.

Because it can kill you.

That doesn't make any sense though. The dairy industry would only benefit from it's legalization because it cuts out an expensive part of the process.

Jews don't want you to be healthy

>raw milk illegal

No it's actually much harder to make healthy raw milk. You can speed up the process by treating your cows like shit and their milk is filled with bacteria that you then zap away with pasteurization.

Jews need to find a way to make you pay for something you can provide to yourself. Also, they need to pump this shit full of hormones that make you gay and lower your testosterone levels.

Yup, and lawyers and doctors would benefit from a reduction in law/medical school costs. Higher startup costs means those with capital have an unofficial monopoly.

I see it for sale on Craigslist frequently. Is it illegal to sell in stores, yes. Is the USDA against it? Yes.

Do people buy & sell it among themselves. Yes.

Is there a chance that raw milk can give you Tuberculosis & other pathogens. Yes.

Why would anyone want to drink raw milk tho, especially milk made on dirty American farms that's handled by filthy Mexicans high on coke and meth?

i can get raw milk everywhere, raw or pasteurized is not that much of a difference, what matters is if the cow is pregnant when you milk it and what it has been fed.
i would rather have pasteurized silage free milk than raw milk from a cow that was fed silage.

Shouldn't we be drinking pregnant human milk germananon? Wouldn't that be the healthiest?

Negative. Large dairy farms that produce on scale can't possibly produce milk in large quantities without pasteurization. The product would spoil.

Thanks bruh. Straight chillin' with some rawzies

Wrong dick head.

illegal to sell it but ok to give it away..like sex

Pasteurization lengthens shelf life. By the time raw milk was transported to stores and bought it would be at or beyond its expiration

I drank it on my aunt's farm as a kid, it tastes the exact fucking same.

It bleaches niggers.

It's legal in California, you can find it in some the "hippy" grocery stores here in OC.

In US, they require shit to be pasteurized. What do you expect? Aren’t we the only country that fluorinates our tap water? I guess we replaced the bison with cattle way back...


maybe now it does because of all the shit you normie fucks pump into your cows.

To make cheese. Also cream can be separate before homogenization. And most U.S. dairy farms are family operations that use milking equipment and doesn't exactly need large amounts of labor. It's pretty much the same across the agricultural industry. If you have a 16-row planter and can drop down 250k for a tractor, you can make a living. The small farmer is dead though.

I drank it as a kid in farm country, always tasty.
These days, I mainly drink milk kefir since it is carb free and I use pasturized milk since I'm going to heat it to 165 anyway and then innoculate it with kefir starter.

Cattle can be contained within fences. Buffo can't.

What's the craic with it over all lad in terms of pros/cons. Mate of mine was a dairy farmer so I've had some, tasted like good milk but unsure of the overall risks? Feel like its bound to be in between the life preserving god juice some people say it is, and the fatal instant death others bang on about. Please share your insights farmer user

i dont know but there are sugar molecules in human breast milk that are not found anywhere else, but roasties blast 500 different chemicals (makeup) onto their faces, and they wear toxic clothing, so their milk is of a bad quality.
i wonder what would happen if a child would be fed mothersmilk for 5 years straight.
probably 5000 iq.

Yeah but I mean there's a difference between homemade by someone who cares about your wellbeing and takes the time to properly clean the teats and some crap made by Mexicans off a dirty shit covered cow that they can sell it cheap and because fuck laws n shit.

This is not even remotely true. Maybe 20 or 30 years ago, but not anymore. I've been drinking raw milk my entire life every single day for the past 40 years you fucking idiot I'm not dead yet and neither is anyone I know who has consumed raw milk fresh from cows. Go fucking shill someplace else you stupid fucking black nigger. Heil Hitler motherfucker.