What dosage of LSD will gain me access to the dmt world?

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It's pretty easy to make dmt my nigger. There's tons of videos on YouTube us it wouldn't give you schizophrenia like lsd


like previously said just make it, it's fucking easy.
no amount of lsd will give you a dmt like experience

300 ug but u have to put it up ur pooper

This just snort grass not weed.

>it wouldn't give you schizophrenia like lsd
hahahahaha, i think there are some truths to this statement

1.4g of crystal has a 50% survivability rate if the Cia data is to be trusted. I would take .14g which would be well over a page or 1k hits
I've only ever had 40 or so at a WSP Halloween show at the aragon Ball room and it was extremely intense but I still could navigate and had lots of fun

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".

It's a different thing, but 300 mikes is modern day heroic, normal 60's dose

I can't imagine doing that much. 5 or 6 hits sent me on a time travel...

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Kys drug user like all drug users should

Idk man. Lsd is tricky to make and dose out properly

user, I’ve never “broken through” on DMT but I’ve taken more acid in one year than one should take in there whole life. Prolonged stress of hallucination is why LSD can afflict schizophrenic tendencies more than DMT. DMT can feel like a lifetime in the span of 15 minutes in “reality” but LSD will be 6-8 hours in reality so think about which will afflict the brain more. Personally, I would not fuck with LSD and just craft your own deemsters. Best of luck.

Not sure.
Be sure not to waste your time in DMT world. You only get so much. I blew through it in a year blasting off several times a week. I miss it like you cant believe. If I try to go back now they kick me out. No joke, take it slow. Once a month should do.

too much to be fun, just do high dose mushrooms

Eat a 10 strip nigger

Lsd typically lasts for 12 hours, dmt lasts for max 1 hour. You do not want to be dmt levels of gone for 12 to possibly 72 hours. You will never truly come down from that again

Dmt forces your eyes closed as you teleport to a whole new dimension, lsd is for deep introspect and being able to experience death without dying paired with cool visuals, you are currently risking permanent psychosis, as in painful introspect paired with delusions of grandeur, paranoia, hallucinations, permanent HPPD (its a lot like seeing TV static/fractals/"permatripping"), basically drug induced schizophrenia (since drug induced psychosis generally lasts for max 6 months) for the rest of your life if you go through with this. It is not fun, it is hell. No doctor will ever take me seriously ever again even though I made a full recovery from the psychosis after 4 years but struggle with the PTSD and general anxiety disorder (not white girl general anxiety, but extreme anxiety over generally everything) that resulted from it

Get dmt. Do dmt. Do NOT FUCKING do an lsd thumbprint 3 times over. Fucking go on the dark web markets and get dmt.
(This is not a genuine recommendation, it's a safety measure, I am not at fault for the purchase, sale, or use of the illegal substance known as Dimethyltryptamine, otherwise known colloquially as dmt)

you should prepare first but 200ug

>If I try to go back now they kick me out.

does mescaline do the same?

lmao i did 200 my first time and didnt even get visuals

I've done mushrooms twenty times and the one time i did lsd i didn't sleep for a couple days and went dumb pretty bad. was also smoking a doob like once an hour and doing insane street edibles so i think it was mainly that

put it on your eyeball

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There is dmt in cat shit. Just eat 350g of cat shit, bro

waste of trips


None. Theres a threshhold on how high you can get on acid. I took over 20 tabs over the course of 16 hours. I stopped getting higher by like the 9th one. All it does is make the intensity last longer. It is pretty spiritual nonetheless. But nowhere like DMT

Nah, trips affirm the potency of cat shit gnosis, bro

Lmao I did 200ug my first time and the spirits gave me enough secret information to want to keep coming back and then I started noticing the cracks in society after my second trip and then I spent 4 years (finally 2 years recovered) in and out of the mental ward convinced that I was archangel Michael from the bible/Torah and /x/'s nobody and that I would have to cut Satan out of my blood to save the world and result in world piece. Anyway, I can no longer sleep without chemically lobotomizing myself first or else the voices start sleeping back in and I give other people tips on how to have an enjoyable trip and stay grounded while I reapply for disability every few years and do my best to appease my roommates because they have to buy me everything like I'm a child

I have a friend that has a similar story but he’s Muslim.

Schizo meds made me forget what I was typing, meant to say "but these days I give people tips on blah blah"

Bout tree fiddy

>40 hits
>I still could navigate
I don't believe that
>had lots of fun
I believe that

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>have fun, dance around, look at pretty fractals, maybe have a few paranoid delusions that should resolve when you sober up

>access the astral realm inside your mind, meet strange beings who offer unintelligible advice, witness 4D Bogdanoff spacetime
>probably become one of those insufferable people who are convinced they are 'enlightened' and want to become a South American ayahuasca shaman

just do LSD... don't become one of those people, there IS such a thing as a drug that's too powerful, and DMT is one of them

If you're this lazy why the fuck do the clock work elves want to see you?

What are some good dark web markets? I haven’t bought drugs online in years.

Thing is I'm not Christian, never read the Bible, only knew archangel Michael existed because of studying art (Renaissance art mostly), and wasn't even religious or spiritual until after my break from reality.

My spiritual/religious beliefs before it was on the lines of "god hasn't made himself present but the Buddhists have something right with meditation and yoga, all I know is that I have to exist and optimistic nihilism and absurdism seem the most likely
", straight to "I am the bringer of the apocalypse, I initiate the rapture, I have to stay behind to teach the sinners and cause a new world peace for the next cycle", and then I recovered and went to "maybe every world religion is doing something right and all religions are based off of each other, there may be a god but who am I or anyone else to say which ones the right one or that they aren't all talking about the same god, I am just a human being and everything is much larger than I am"