Misrepresenting Critical Race Theory

CRT, as we’re hearing about it today, is a new wedge issue created by Republicans to galvanize voters (since they don’t win on any other issues). No matter how much you tell them “CRT isn’t being taught in K-12 schools”, it doesn’t matter, because simply talking about race at all is what’s being called CRT. In the wake of the George Floyd protests and heightened awareness of racial inequality in this country, and how we should strive to be more equitable for everyone, white conservatives don’t want any racial issues talked about (because they’re against that equity). So, they’ve framed any racial discussion as telling white kids that they are inherently evil, and also that those racial discussions are “CRT”; that gets parents up in arms and they now want “CRT banned”.

The guy who started this gave away the game months ago (picture attached).

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It’s to the point where you can’t say that the KKK and white supremacy are bad in Texas schools, because somehow that is CRT.

Even further, they’ve turned this into a “parents rights” issue, and what they want their kids learning in school. Ignoring that parents probably shouldn’t have as a say in academic curriculum (apparently, that position just cost the democratic candidate for governor in Virginia last night) because then dictating what kids learn results in textbooks saying things like African slaves were “immigrant workers” or that the Civil War was about “states rights”; it makes it seem like parents are getting ignored when they complain about CRT being taught to their 5 year old because Democrats tell them that its just made up nonsense.

Imagine being told that CRT is being taught in 3rd grade. And that CRT is telling white kids that they’re evil. And then you learn that your kids 3rd grade teacher was teaching about the civil rights movement and how black people were lynched. And then associating that all together. Only for a Democrat to tell you “CRT isn’t being taught in schools”. You’re going to vote for Republicans when your perception has become your reality and you want “CRT banned” while the Democrat is telling you this isn’t an actual issue

fuck race. i have never thought about race more in my entire life than i have in the past several years. (born in 81) fuck the entire globohomo apparatus that scammed us all into thinking dick and nipple color than the elite scum fucking pedo millionaire and billionaires who fuck us and screw us and rob us and rape us

Republicans do another one of these every few years. Yes it's not even real yet they don't care

Anything to avoid talking about real issues that actually exist that actually effect people's lives

Hey ducked groomer.

Fuck outta here wi to your motte and Bailey tactic.

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Critical Theory is just rebranded Frankfurt School Marxist propaganda. It has no place in any institution of learning except post-doc history seminars.

Many institutions were built as tools to oppress certain people. Often it was about race but not always. As a result, racism is baked into the system.

Example: Medical educations were restricted to white men. As a result, the study of women's health and health issues affecting minority groups was neglected or even abused. This, over a long period of time, resulted in a large gap in appropriate health care between those different groups.

This is pretty demonstrably provable. CRT isn't even calling living people racist or sexist, it's just...how it is. The origins of the institutions are racist and the people who set them up absolutely were racist.

A lot of the original "police" and law enforcement groups - for example the South Carolina State Police - were literally slave catchers. The State Police were explicitly to do two things - catch runaways and put down slave revolts.

You are losing the culture war and there is nothing you can do about it tranny. You change your lies too often and quickly, and people are more awake and aware than you ever dreamed. You made your bed, now you get to sleep in it forever. You set back your “progress” 60+ years

Is this a reddit repost or something? I'm just jealous it was the rightoids putting the end to this garbage rather than us

Surely they won't just change the name of what they do again like every other time and act retarded like always.

The data doesn't support that, actually.

If I was "losing" a "culture war", Biden wouldn't have won the election, Black Lives Matter wouldn't have swept the nation, LGBT wouldn't be near universally accepted with positive reputation on every show and film, and you wouldn't even know what Critical Race Theory is.

...well, you STILL don't know what Critical Race Theory is, obviously, but you wouldn't have heard the term.

You're living in a bubble.

imagine people who are actually stupid and gullible enough believe this and dont object or even welcome the unconcealed infiltration of education with left-radical ideology. the lowest Any Forums loser is worth more than a thousand of fuckin normie sheep.

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Kill yourself antiwhite racist

>Black Lives Matter wouldn't have swept the nation
>Achieved nothing besides making poor people poorer and turning poor people against other poor people
great job shitlibs!!

Kill yourself you gaslighting psychopath racist piece of shit bigot

Kys jew.

Kill yourself gaslighting psychopath

That's some massive establishment neo-marxst/cultural-marxist cope.

They're losing, so they are trying to make it look like WELL ACKSHUALLY it is the reactionaries trying to do exactly what the pedo-left are actually doing.

>antifa doesnt exist, crt doesnt exist, woke isnt a thing, we didnt say abolish the police, we didnt tell white kids the are born with original sin. you imagined it all
fuck off moron, its not going to work. even normies are on to you. biden approval at 36%. fucking imbecile who do you think youre fooling.

Haha this idiot loves his verbal diarrhea

Go back to your pleddit cesspool

Kill yourself gaslighting psychopath racist

Ugh you are a sick sick individual. Someone needs to isolate and terminate you for the good of humanity.

Type more fuck.

The only systematic racism caked into the system is the broad systematic replacement of whites with non-whites.

Do you think a black person with a lower SAT score should go to medical school instead of a white person with a higher SAT score

Next, with this in mind, would you really trust a black surgeon over a white surgeon, knowing they might not be up to snuff because they were given the job because of equity?

Dumb nigger get gassed

>It’s to the point where you can’t say that the KKK and white supremacy are bad in Texas schools, because somehow that is CRT.
Wtf Texas is based

It isn't a matter of belief, it is a matter of critical thinking and tested observation backed by data. In reality, the gullible one is you, because you have allowed Faux News and Comrade Tucker to turn you against an idea that you don't even understand. You're the sociology version of a man who believes the devil planted dinosaur bones to confuse us.

You're barking at backfiring cars. You don't even know the terms, you don't know the data, you don't know any of the most critical pieces.

Forget CRT, let's just ban public schools. Every nigger for itself.

Shove your data up your fake cunt hole. Fuck. You.

>It’s to the point where you can’t say that the KKK and white supremacy are bad in Texas schools
That's because they weren't bad retard, why the fuck do you think niggers can have an opinion about a white society and a white country? They're foreigners. They need to be deported

>Democrats have never misrepresented anything to drive a wedge between Americans by claiming something that was bad was good by playing on emotions
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, you faggots started this, we're just playing by your rules now.
Don't do dumb shit, and this won't happen, nigger lovers.

Based, about time those pussy GOP fucks tried meeting in the middle and fighting fire with fire for once rather than handwringing and ceding ground year after year. They're still niggers but at least they're not just laying down and dying.

You're a child that isn't capable of comprehending abstract consequences.

All liberals get nigger doctors and nigger nurses when they get older. If they ever voted left they have to die this way. And no one is allowed to care or to stop it. They need to perish by their own biological weapon nigger monkeys.

>You don't even know the terms, you don't know the data, you don't know any of the most critical pieces
It's clear as day that leftists have institutional power and they justify it by claiming any threat to that power is "white supremacy".

CRT isnt taught in schools, but it is APPLIED in schools, kill yourself you disingenuous retard

Type more shit no one reads then go hang yourself.

I guess the left are using the old communism defense for CRT
>it's not being taught in K-12 schools
>look at this school, where it is indeed being taught in K-12
>that's not real CRT! real CRT has never been tried

>Hollywood and MSM constantly shilling every single one of those things is winning
You people don't actually talk to the proles you claim to champion, do you? Tyrone would kill a man for calling him gay, Cletus would waste anybody that showed up on his property, nobody likes Biden, and nobody trusts or values schools.

Your attempts to destroy a once-strong culture are bearing fruit, of course, but what emerges from the ashes will decidedly not be marxist. At best it will be oligarchic and extremely corrupt groups of hyper-tribal communities based around some identity or other. Maybe it'll be racial, or maybe it'll be economic, but it will definitely not be the proletariat overthrowing the bourgeoise. Every policy you've made to hurt the existing culture has affected the proletariat worst of all. They hate you more than anybody.

>antifa doesnt exist, crt doesnt exist, woke isnt a thing, we didnt say abolish the police, we didnt tell white kids the are born with original sin. you imagined it all
thats the new tactic isnt it? you mentally ill smugnorant woke nutjobs have been using this tactic for a little while now. Well, you can fuck off moron, its not going to work. even normies are on to you. biden approval at 36%. fucking imbecile who do you think youre fooling.

>Misrepresenting Critical Race Theory
>CRT, as we’re hearing about it today, is
jewish psycho-babble
the very notion of "racism" is to make foreigners a protected class. fuck that, the legislators and enablers are foreigners too, then & that would be unlawful at the constitutional level here in england, i.e: preceding our parliament's legislation.
on another note, any of you guys ever do the one where you align your capcha, then just read it out to yourself in your head and hit send without typing it in?

In what way am I anti-white? Acknowledging American racial biases, and acknowledging the way these biases privilege white people, doesn't mean that I am "antiwhite" (sic).

America has deeply-embedded systemic expressions of racism, from law, to banking, and etc.

Because of this complex and multi-generational problem, marginalized/minority groups generally, but Black bodies specifically, have been denied the sort of compounding wealth that whites were not. And before we go any further, I have to say that it isn't your "whiteness" that makes it so, it's just the fact that they happen to be the dominant group, and so it only makes sense that our society would benefit the dominant group. In a different timeline, who knows, maybe the roles are reversed.

But it's the power relationship that's at issue.

Even when we don't consider the direct ways in which Black bodies were denied these things (think Tulsa race massacre, Jim Crow, etc), the subtle systemic problems all combine to oppress people over time.

And the really insidious thing about systemic factors is that no single person need even be responsible, so there might not be anyone to "blame".

Sure, sharecropping was a "real" thing we can point to as an example of actual racism, but what about how that went on to influence the generational wealth of Black farmers? That's more complex and nuanced. Red-lining was a "real" thing, but what about how that went on to impact Black home-ownership? How did these things create the rural/urban divide over time? How might bank loans being rejected to Black families generations ago impact how a current family lives?

Maybe your grandparents got a loan to start a business, and you all now live comfortable middle-class lives. I wonder how the trajectory of your family might have been different if that wasn't the case. And what if that was similar for all families who even looked like you?

That's the issue, the part you don't (want to) understand.

You should kill yourself

Stop mixing up liberals and communists. Liberals have never been defenders of the working class and most of the retards calling themselves socialists are just welfare capitalists

You pushed too hard and now you’re going to suffer the consequences. Stop your kvetching and deal with it. Parents have the only right when it comes to deciding what their children are taught.

Go to hell Uncle Tom!

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I hate niggers also tldr not your blog retard

Fox news the poster channel for muh crony capitalism is now communist, and this is a bad thing to lefties
Hahahahaha jfc

>brainwashing kids to hate themselves isn't real
80% of people under 40 hate you, faggot.

Youre wrong about everything

Everything is made up and a minority of your brainwashed useful idiots are carrying out anything. If you really are this ignorant (or sense) and don’t understand anything historically about cultural, or color revolutions, I suggest you start reading. But you write like every gaslighting faggot with your vernacular so nobody believes a word here. The whole poking of this thread existing is to gaslight because that’s the only thing leftists have in their Arsenal. Deny deny deny, deflect deflect deflect, and keep changing the narrative every time it blows up in your face.

Your ideology only exists with censorship. Now that your ideas are being used against you, you play victim. History shows this, and you fail every single time. It always ends with the deaths of millions because of your death cult hubris

>we're wrong but maybe if we spam our shit we'll be right
Naw you're just gonna get a lot of weird liberal kids who kill themselves before 30.

The chutzpah of shills today is something else. They must be super butthurt about something.
Was it that CIA thread we had recently, where we laughed hard at how incompetent you are?

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>built as tools to oppress certain people

the goal of liberalism is to use neuro linguistic programming to reframe every situation into we (the left) are the victims, or we care about whatever, so we are good and to oppose us is bad...

they don't really care about minorities or foreigners or whatever the flavor of the week is, all they care about is power, and feigning sincerity to manipulate the scenario is their method

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>People react to CRT as they should by thinking it's retarded
>It's a smear campaign
No it's common sense

Stfu nigger.

They are both infested with Frankfurt/Marxist ideology or utilize their tactics. They are not Communists in the vein of Stalin, but Liberals and Communists in the modern day are two flavors of the same shit.

>parents shouldn’t have a say in academic curriculum
They both pay for it and vote in the people who run it so fuck you

Everywhere there is disparity, you lot claim the must be some nebulus racism at play. Rather than fight provable cases of racism, the claim is that you must up end the entire system until outcomes are equal. It is this lie that is foisted on any group that does well. They have privilege and must be put in an artificial situation there the rules are oppressive enough to bring them down to the others...because the others never will perform equally. Then you pooled of the the groups that don't do as well and turned them against the groups that do. Namely white (and asian) males. Nevermind jews, one is not allowed to even notice them. Yeah, thus is the underlying narrative and agenda. We don't care about your race anymore...it's about time we play id politics like everyone else. Keep your race war at home, not in schools.

OP normies are on to your bullshit. Even more and more hispanics are on to your bullshit. How do you think Democrats will do in November?

Fuck your bourgeoisie social justice capitalist pig!

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Yeah, it was fucking based because all you retards fell over yourself to exposed you extremely schizo-high level retarded ACTUAL definition of CRT, and refused to relinquish to the laymen, who had already declared the term to mean "overly racialized politics in schools".
Get absolutely fucked. Reap what you sow, bitches. If you want to play the game of creating context to obfuscate issues, everyone else can fucking do it too.

Absolutely vile. Idk if y're baiting or not but just obnoxious. Great job.

So first off, you're being deliberately retarded because we both know what CRT is and that it is deliberately designed to disenfranchise the European diaspora for the sake of elevating non-whites to positions of power so that neoliberalism can more easily control them; they call this their "multiracial democracy". It is absolutely an issue, because if you have your way, Europeans will be second class citizens.

No, you lost. It's over. Outside of your echo chambers, if you talk to normal people, even normal people have been pushed over the edge by this tranny debacle. You flipped Virginia red because you were retarded and supported tranny rape, and that's before Biden's most recent strinf of fuckups. Can't even imagine how bad it's going to be.

Check Biden's approval ratings. This is year one, and things are only looking to get worse. Biden has blundered every single possible real political obstacle he has encountered, the most recent being this trigger happy sanction spree. The current fucktard administration is making enemies of the entire planet because they're still operating under the pretense that America is as strong as it was in a single-polar world. It's not, and America is quickly losing all its allies and pushing them to China. You are not doing politics. Do you understand that? You have completely given up on it, and instead rely soley on exerting social pressure to get what you want. You never try to improve the lives of people, just denigrate your enemies. What was the party line to gas prices?

>just buy a tesla, redneck retard!

When you can't offer a working alternative to your enemies, and deliberately denigrate the people you're trying to "help", they're going to tune out fast. Your propoganda has fallen flat. Turns out orange man actually wasn't all that bad.

You're gonna get trashed in the midterms, retard. Many democrats aren't even going up for re-election.

i have a bunch of mexican nephews and nieces that are under 10 and they are obsessed with race even though they are all half white they just say over and over they are brown

some kind of creepy conflation between spics and nigs too with the "brown" identity

I'm not gonna read this and am just gonna assume you're a leftist faggot who should kill himself.

>It’s to the point where you can’t say that the KKK and white supremacy are bad in Texas schools, because somehow that is CRT.
there's absolutely nothing wrong with white supremacy. saying whites are supreme is like saying water is wet.

>CRT isn't real guys, you're all just imagining the past 15 years
Gas yourself.

Race and gender nonsense is a lynchpin issue to distract from the parasitical wallstreet and banker class

Quit pretending libtards aren't post modernist you wage gap selling faggot.

Again, you're in a bubble. Left leaning ideology and CRT is WINNING, not losing. The inch of progress is consistently towards the left.

I genuinely believe most Americans, non-white Americans who experience disadvantage especially, have an innate sense of fairness. When politics are stripped away, many of us can point to a situation and say "that's unfair, and we should make it more fair".

Critical Race Theory (and Sociology, which is a sort of mother discipline) seek to understand the dynamics of human interaction, and hopefully use that knowledge to make better societies. There's nothing inherent bad, evil, wrong, or whatever else involved in that concept. But you react like CRT is Voldemort, come to kill your parents.

You've allowed certain right leaning media outlets to rot your mind, and turn you against a thing you can hardly define.

>(apparently, that position just cost the democratic candidate for governor in Virginia last night)
Fuck off copypasta retard.
Also I learned history in public school. They didn't say slaves were immigrant workers. Also the issue of state's rights is actually a interesting sub-topic to talk about when discussing the civil war because the government didn't put alot of southern government officials on trial because they didn't want a court to decide if succession was actually legal or not. Of course the war was about the south wanted niggers to keep picking cotton and the north didn't in a moralfag way and the southern states thought Lincoln would attempt to overstep his power and executive action slavery out of existence.

What people don't want and we don't think is real is "white privilege" and all of that shit in today's modern society. You as a leftist retard don't seem to understand CRT is a convenient name for what we call wokeshit.

Jews are a lot wealthier than white people. But you don’t talk about jewish pirvilege. Why? Because this is not about ending racism or creating equitable society or whatever, no it’s about you purposfully destroying whites and western civilization.

Take the L, faggot. They figured out what you were trying to pull with this. Let it go.

>15 years
that shit has been going on since the 80s in colleges, since the 60s if you include the philosophy of language deconstruction as written by people like deleuze and derrida

No one will read this trash. You can thank your tranny professor for how psychotic and damaged they made you. Kys.

>No matter how much you tell them “CRT isn’t being taught in K-12 schools”
Being "taught" is a shitty strawman. It's a rhetorical framework that's being applied against kids. People don't want that. People don't want their kids indoctrinated.

Yeah. We get it. We win.
Trucker convoys
It's over shills. We win
We only used as many underhanded tactics as you did. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. No tears now!

I know what CRT is, I understand what Rufo is doing, and I support it 100%. You're only upset because he's playing your game now.

The data does not back up your childish worldview. Let the adults make the decisions, sweetie.

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I am glad people are finally calling out the Marxist revision of history masquerading as education.

As a political insider who also wrote a book on this subject; I find his methods out of date. Hacks like these attempt to use political and social theory as a weapon, but their technique is flawed, and mostly luck.

That's a lot of text to say absolutely nothing

Who said they're going to be around in November? Besides, with the massive voter fraud that the entire world can clearly see happen, what makes you think they'll ever be free and fair elections held in this country again?

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let's talk about the real 'problematic' race in america, and the world

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