Absolute happening, pol is always right edition

Covid is airborne AIDS confirmed
Pic related

Why are we schizos always right?
Are we doomed? Wtf I feel demoralized

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>15M deaths
yeah right

yes, "airborne" in the respect that radiation poisoning is also "airborne"


Seems legit with the culling of boomers tho

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Stupid, it means you can catch AIDS like you catch running nose you faggot leaf

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Imagine still believing covid is real

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Everyone knows it was a lab-built bioweapon. Everyone knows it was Chink evil and stupidity that created it and released it. But everyone like their cheap plastic dogshit products from Target so no one has done or will do anything about it.

There's no "culling". The baby boom happened one life expectancy ago, and we are now experiencing the natural death boom

this aids stuff is well poisoning. stop posting that stupid paper claiming covid is aids. just because the binding sequence might be similar, doesn't mean the effect of the virus is similar at all, which is why the paper was ignored. you can find similarities across many viruses, just use the blast database yourself and you'll find similarity to measles and whatever else. covid didn't cause all those deaths, most died with covid. covid is a fucking meme of a seasonal cold/flu, stop talking about it, it's over, no one cares.

it isn't covid
it's Q Fever

They actually gave all those people aids to protect them from aids.

I never believed it was real because never any proof. Some scumbag say it is on TV is not really proof. But truth be told a trendy fake virus is hypochondriacs wet dream not to mention all the dunning-kruger fucks on here that mentally masturbated over it. it made me hate the stupid shits in my country even more for their lack of courage and truth.

thats retarded
you can recover from covid
you cant recover from aids

>Why are we schizos always right?
if you arbitrarily make 10,000 different predictions a month, eventually one of them will be right
that doesn't make you insightful, you just conveniently ignore the number of times you were wrong
do you know what confirmation bias is?

Pretty based, desu.
Also checked.

Just as muh ukraine war, it's real as long normies and boomers believe in it and act accordingly
Burger creation, wuhan lab and fauci shit, released by NAMRU-3 in Italy
I was of this same idea but apparently all causes of death, removed demographics, are still higher than normal, and this data coming from unkiked analysis

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ok, then what have all the covid patients been infected with?
cant be the the common cold, it doesn't spread so fast
>its a flu mutation
thats literally what covid is
the common cold is a type of coronavirus

that doesnt make it any less problematic

It's not aids, although I think calling the condition covid gives you PASC and the condition the vaccines give you VAIDS is pretty accurate.

The S1 Spike infects monocytes causing them to become non-traditional monocytes causing Fractalkine\CCL5\Rantes activation which causes hyperinflammation and immunosupression. This can fuck up your immune system for a good long while, like years, and lead to a bad snowballing situation with illness, cardiovascular issues, and so forth.

Look up Bruce Patterson of IncellDX. He has multiple youtube videos and his research is behind the treatments being used by FLAAC Alliance and covidlonghaulers.com among other countries.

Long story short, nicotine can cure the VAIDS in some people, as can an appropriate cocktail of drugs and a few months rest. The longer it goes on for though, the worse it gets.


>Airborne AIDS
26 years. That’s at least how long the “airborne AIDS” scare has been around.

Thanks user

Predictive programming?
Self-inflicted prophecy by faucI¿

If this were true, wouldn't we be seeing people dying of infected papercuts in massive numbers by now?

Covid is airbourne.. correct, but isn’t the aids from the vax??

if you get irradiated, yes you can
viruses are not real
contagions are not real

The real vax was omicron, created in Lab at Durban's university

Maybe we are, see pic

The horror
If only we had a treatment that prevents the virus from replicating inside our bodies, with over 60 peer reviewed studies supporting its efficacy, this would've never happened

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This is just a cover for the jab. It just means the jab gives people aids. If you didn't have covid and didn't take the jab or even if you had covid but didn't take the jab you're safe. If you took the jab you have the beginning stages of aids.

Nah the vaccine gave you AIDS. Dumb fucking scientists used it to bypass the barriers in your body to deliver the gene therapy mRNA shot you took. Enjoy it and start living healthier now.



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Yes I know that but the jab and booster is what I’m referring to.

do a 4plebs search for "lung aids"
we told you so.

This. Might have actually been believable if the numbers weren't intentionally fucked up and padded to shit.

>2 cents deposited into your account

>covid is airborne
no no the mRNA shot give AIDS go take a test

this. aids and hiv are also just as fake as covid is, right down to the people being killed off by the "treatment" being used as the propaganda tools to trick the goyim into submission. By the same guy as well.

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Remember when Bill Gates said unfortunately omnicron made everybody herd immune

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Redpill me on omicron being a vaxx

It amazes me how retarded the majority of this board is when it comes to the pandemic when we had /cvg/ for 2 years talking about all of this.