Is it okay to ask your partner for a paternity test? (poll)

>As soon as your relationship becomes "serious" and "exclusive" you tell your girl that, should you two ever have children together, you're going to want a paternity test. You tell her that you want this for your own peace of mind because you've heard too many nightmare stories about paternity fraud. This conversation is brought up YEARS before any children are born, but she knows that you're serious and will want a test ASAP. Is this unreasonable of you?

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Why would you need to? My kids look just like me and my partner.

it's not unreasonable, but a woman will obviously take it as such

I wouldn't tell her I'm getting a test done but I would anyway. That way I'm not alienating her by implying I think she's cheated but I am getting the peace of mind of knowing whether she is or not.

It's okay to lie to your partner about shit like this.

My stance on not telling her is that I don't want to be dishonest and deceitful. I'd rather lay my cards on the table and remain honest with her, especially if I'd just (presumably) had a child with her. This is why I would want to bring it up before any pregnancy business.

What the fuck is wrong with you niggers?

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You're gonna learn eventually there's always shit you HAVE to keep from your partner. No healthy relationship is built on complete transparency. Some lies / omissions of truth are always necessary

if you're the father she won't act retarded, pretty simple
i did a paternity test, and she almost laughed in my face. she said "suit yourself, you're just wasting money". so i took my kid with me, did the paternity, and it came out that i was the father, indeed.
when i came back she just had this smug look on her face, as if to say: "didn't i tell you it would be a waste of money?". i didn't care to waste the money because i wanted peace of mind, but she told me in another occasion that she didn't care, because she wasn't lying to me.
my kid looks exactly like me btw, it was kinda obvious it was my child, but i just wanted to see what would happen.

only retards and shills click on your gay links

You think doctors will perform a test that could lead to dangerous malinformation without the mother’s consent?

it is unreasonable and could lead to comlications.
That's why goverments must make it mandatory for every born baby or at least during the divorce and aliments cases.

You know you can order at-home paternity tests, right?

> s this unreasonable of you?
Women say yes
Men say no.
Do the test. Don't tell her.

It's just a strawpoll. Relax.
afaik most countries require both parents to agree to the test, but I could be wrong.
But that's LYING!!!

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if a girl truly loves you she'd accept to something like this.

naw, my kids look like me and my nieces and nephews

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Do a test behind her back, you autist.

>dangerous malinformation
Are you implying that the information they're providing could be wrong?

Whore fingers typed this

>ask your partner
lmao just do it you retard, you ask her permission to go to the bathroom too you fucking cuck?
It definitely isn't your's.

Paternity tests should be mandatory

Basically if half that fucker is mine or some white wants my money to pay for it see has to prove it is mine. The more of a whore the bigger problem she got.

She's implying she might face consequences for cucking her husband

hell ya already had this exact conversation
dont trust anything that bleeds for a week straight without dying

it should be mandatory for all births

id even pay more tax to pay for it

should be mandatory on the mother's expense


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They let half the shit during corona slide, I'm sure they'd be willing to let this slide too.

I would have no problem agreeing to it in advance, before we got married and had children. But if we were married and I got pregnant and my husband suddenly demanded a test without that prior discussion and agreement, I'd be really upset.

Why are spics and niggers always shirtless?
It would be understandable if you work out but these subhumans are always showing their disgusting fat slob physique.