Men who like kids

What’s up with the stigma with men and children?

I like kids. They’re cute and fun to be around (when they’re raised properly). However, I’m a man and I get the feeling that if I play with peoples kids and try to be friendly with them, I will be treated like I’m some pedophile. That’s really messed up, the assertion that just because I like kids I’m some dangerous sexual predator. About a year ago I worked as a security guard in a department store and some dude walked in and told a little girl her dress was pretty. The little girl said thank you. Her mom intervened and told him “Don’t talk to my kids.” What the hell? He was just being nice and he was treated like a predator. Frankly, the guy walked into my store all the time and always hit on women and was probably a whoremonger, but just because you fornicate doesn’t mean you’re a pedophile.

I want a big family with as many children as the Lord will provide me. Where did this stigma come from? Aren’t people aware that women are pedos too and there are screwed up female predators as well?

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kys pedo

>They're cute and fun

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its just low trust society

my company did some work at a uni and we had a 3 second rule. if you looked at a girl for more than 3 seconds you were reprimanded for sexual harrassment

Sodomites should be put to death.

It's another aspect of the low-trust society. The guy talking to your kid is someone you dont know at all. He lives in a society without any consistent values so you cant predict anything about him. The state allows predators to roam free so you cant take for granted that his record is clean. Basically nobody can trust anybody and smart parents are therefore careful. It doesnt take very long to inflict trauma that would last a lifetime.

They are. I used to hate kids and think they were annoying because I worked in the ghetto and the teenagers always came in to steal and harass the employees.

Then I attended a church where the kids were raised with the fear of God and it was so refreshing.

you can't paint men in a positive light nowadays

Pedos get the rope, no exception.

Please spare us the trouble and kys

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people have been propagandized into living more solitary lives, and not interacting with other people. it's no wonder how it ended up this way. more people live in big cities than ever where you don't know 99% of the people there

>you looked at a girl for more than 3 seconds you were reprimanded for sexual harrassment
There is literally nothing wrong with looking at girls unless you or she is married (or a power differential is at play). Also women don’t belong in the workplace.

That’s true. Sodomites (which includes all pedos), murderers, kidnappers, rapists, rebellious children, and adulterers should be put to death. It’s crazy some adult can molest a kid and go free.

I wouldn’t even mind the skepticism if it were applied to women as well because women can be pedos too. But when a woman plays with kids and nobody bats an eye and then freak out when a man does the same it’s like, “Are you serious?”

I read one article about a man who was detained in a store because some cunt thought he'd kidnapped the girl with him who was holding his hand. His six year old daughter. The cops were even called. Just a guy going to the store with his child.

Considering how much child molestation happens in public schools and how public schools are overwhelmingly staffed with women, I expect the rates of female pedophilia are much higher than most people would expect. However there is a double standard there in how people react to it. It's seen as like "wow, lucky kid" which is like adult men projecting their current desires into a very different situation. Immature imo

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It's really not the same thing. Like even in the most infamous hot for teacher case of all time, Vili Fualaau made pretty much all of the advances on Mary Kay Letourneau and the dynamics of the relationship were very dominant on his end as you would expect in a "traditional" heterosexual relationship. (Imagine being her husband and being out-alphad by an 12 year old. If anything his pride must be the real victim here). Their relationship also ended up mostly ok by modern standards even though they eventually got divorced (which come on who's throwing stones in that glass house). And be honest, if you were a teenager and a cute teacher let you fuck her do you think it would have REALLY traumatized you for life or melted your brain or whatever it is people think happens? If it happened to me I honestly think it would have just given me a shot of confidence at a time when I desperately needed it.

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Why is it different? Teenage girls get just as horny as teenage guys and lust after older men. Why don’t you give a pass when an older man has sex with a teenage girl?

children are most in danger from their biological mothers.
whenever i see a mother and her children in public i make sure to watch her like a hawk and frown at her disapprovingly like i know she's up to no good.

>And be honest, if you were a teenager and a cute teacher let you fuck her do you think it would have REALLY traumatized you for life or melted your brain or whatever it is people think happens?
I'm glad that the first time I had sex was when I about 18 years old with a girl around the same age at me. It felt like a very natural course of development and there was no imbalance between us in terms of one being far more mentally or physically developed than the other. If you think it's not a big deal for an adult woman to fuck a 12 year old then I wonder where exactly your line is. 10? 8? Is it only if the kid doesn't like it? I think this is a very narrow and strange way of looking at what trauma is.

Degenerate society makes people degenerate. I always expect the worst from others

agreed. so fucked. dude played a wolverine like character too. God i hate the world anons how do i cope