I guess it was just his time

I guess it was just his time.

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Why didn't he make it to 5? is he a pussy or something?

Russians finishing the job

do jews really want me to believe that hitler wanted every one of them dead and that he kept giving them trips between camps for god knows fuck reason?


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Got 'Em

WTF I love Putin now.

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Ben Stern survived five Polish death camps and had to deal with fucking neo-Nazi right-wingers in the U.S.

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how to survive a death camp?

oh really, so how old was he like 100 or some shit?

just don't die lmao

The holocaust was the narrative used to justify the destruction of Germany by the allies, the demonization of right wing politics and the sanctification of jews.

It has nothing to do with concentration camps or that some jews died in the war.

As the central piece in the post-WW2 new world order, it was instrumental in the creation of the post-christian world where whiteness became the original sin, Hitler the Devil, right-wing politics demonic, racism the greatest evil, jews the gods and the destruction of Western culture and values became the ultimate redemption.

It was a very clever way to enslave an entire group of people without them even noticing

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Some jews died in WW2. Some jews (rightfully, just like US Japanese were) were held in camps in WW2. Some jews starved in camps in WW2. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There were no 'extermination camps'. There were no masturbation death machines. There were no railway cars that went directly into ovens. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.

The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore their prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000 maximum) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2. Thus, it should be labeled the 'holohoax'.

The absolute must-know jew, Weimar, WW2 and holohoax redpills:

funny, those death camps seem to have had a near-zero effectiveness rate, it's almost like they were safer in there then out in the cities getting firebombed by the Allies

Be born inside a gas chamber

Russian efficiency, well done lads.

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He died with missile attack, not from missile attack

>Now they're concentration camps
Wait no, they were execution camps, and he survived 4 of them! Wait no, I mean they were concentration camps, that's why he survived 4 of them. Wait no...

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Why would they move him 3 times and not kill him? I was assured concentration camps were there to exterminate jews, not re-organize them like a Coinstar. Did they have different camps for kosher and non-kosher so the ovens didn't get contaminated or something?

There seem to be a lot of Holocaust survivors running about.

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Big 'i was sent to the gas chambers three times' energy.

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>survived four camps
Sounds like the Nazis needed better concentration

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Just a reminder that for a six year old to go through the OBVIOUSLY REAL camps, they would be minimum 84 years old today...

For a 20 year old, that's 97 years... minimum.

Russia finally gets the job done! Woo Hoo!

He kept his pajamas

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Right. Imagine the logistical nightmare that would have caused. Doesn’t add up.

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>4 Nazi camps
Not buying it.

Putin is bad ass!

oy gevalt shut turkmenistan down, now!

Why even keep moving them in the first place even if the intent is to keep them alive, waste of resources. No wonder the Germans lost the war.


It's right wingers shoving Holocaust propaganda down people's throats

>four digit number

sad story but at last he had a long life

hmm.. actually this is kind of weird

Based and redpilled.

spam request transfers like this lad

everytime you transfer you go to back of the line

stop this anti semitism at once
educate your self and donate to ADL

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