Hello. This thread is not for alt-rights

Hello. This thread is not for alt-rights.

This thread is about anarcho-communism.

Explain unironically why it is right.

Attached: anarcho_communism_by_fametsuri-d6a9otv.png (1024x1024, 204.46K)

it's not, paint the ceiling with your blood

one excludes the other

what the fuck is that bullshit?

Fuck off nigger. Neck yourself.

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that's an oxymoron and you are a plain moron

The only good anarchist is a dead anarchist, go join your comrades in Spain

Attached: anarchist grave.jpg (800x534, 151.69K)

If anything follows or precedes anarchy is not anarchy and whoever says anything like anarcho-communism or libertarian-anarchy are retarded.

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That's just an American word for anarchy. So, basically "libertarian-anarchy" is "anarcho-anarchy".

that is actually true
so i reiterate my question
what the fuck is anarcho capitalism

preferably in 5 phrases or less

You're fucking retarded. Nothing says anarchy like revolting against the ruling class because you want to be the ones who get to manage the working class. Commies are whores for power.

tfu i meant anarcho communism

>5 phrases or less
Wild Wild West.

But redditors say that anarcho-capitalism is not a true anarchism.

My argument against it, illustrated

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Nice memeflag, tranny commie faggot

Death to you an all your family

Fuck Socialism. From National Socialism to Marxism, Socialism and it's variants have caused NOTHING but death and despair through the whole world

yeah i know
very accurate
i meant anarcho-communism

I know he was based. Also, Proudhon was anti-Semitic.

Attached: Portrait_of_Pierre_Joseph_Proudhon_1865.jpg (1446x1880, 602K)

All anarchists ideologies are retarded. A state will inevitably form, even if it doesn't call itself one.

Trannies will never be women, but it's fine to find new ways of cooming larping as a slut.

>Socialism and it's variants have caused NOTHING but death and despair through the whole world
You are basically wrong. Socialist movement led to welfare reforms like limited working hours.

Socialism literally let humanity to be less wagecucks.

I'm not sure, I want Any Forumstards to explain. Why Any Forums is so fucking right-wing?

quotes from putin
>because purge le nazis
>and kill whitey

Attached: russians purge of nazis.jpg (2306x1272, 927.76K)