No shot. No tests. No Covid

I put in an exception from their shit mandate at work. No exception, or clotshot regiment, we get penalized an additional $140 a month towards insurance.

How do I respond to them, Any Forums. Any Forums is always right.

Attached: 115CE7AB-47D1-435B-93C5-7A941596DC03.png (528x273, 175.14K)

Contact a lawyer.

Its time to litigate them into the grave.

Shit on their desk. Shit up the toilets. Shit on the parking lot and shit in the fridge. Whenever they will try to penalize you, remind them that shit storm is coming.

We’re not even allowed in the office. They have out badges deactivated unless we show proof of this shit.
FWIW Barry Fucking Diller owns the company so it’s not surprising.

Fill the toilet bowls with quickcrete.

literally just say "because of sincerely held religious reasons I refuse to take a vax that was developed with the use of fetal cells because I believe life starts at conception"
how is it 2022 and people are still asking this question...

fpbp, but you don't have to tell them your religious belief. you simply have to have a sincerely held belief. your religion could literally be "non-covid-vax-ism" and they can't do shit because freedom of religion means all religions even dumb ones. any more information is ammunition for them to deny the accommodation.

>cArRy A bAg Of QuIcK cReTe iNtO a BuIlDiNg YoU hAvE nO aCcEsS to, aNd ThAt HaS sEcUrItY aNd CaMeRas!
I’d rather someone help me with a retort so I don’t have a $140 insurance premium hike each month, and eventually lose my job. Not pull some minimum wagie jr high prank, you faggot.

Fine them $140 a month for making you do this.
>Plug in kill-USBs to random computers (or just leave them around).
>Concrete in toilet
>Roadkill/eggs/feces/liquid ass into some nook or cranny (or above a ceiling tile). Let them try to find the smell.
>Slowly sabotage all the files and programs. Randomly unplug things. Gradually destroy important paper documents.
>Create problems and busywork for others.

Basically, if an employer says you need to pay them $140 for not taking an experimental medical procedure, you need to fine them $140 for being an authoritarian bitch or your honor is forever forfeit. Also get a lawyer involved, lawyers are starting to smell blood in the water. Spread information with coworkers. Trust me, you don't want to be the boss who is mandating a fourth shot as more bad news about the vaccine comes out and you have financially penalized employees when there was no federal LAW requiring it.

Ask them if you can have someone help you explain your religious beliefs. Then bring your lawyer, open with "What questions about my client's relationship with God do you need for employment purposes and why," Hard press.

Attached: 094 MANDATORY VACCINATIONS.jpg (750x1050, 487.29K)

"As a healthy young individual, I have no need for protection that isn't afforded to any vaccinated anyhow"
"If I were to incur any vaccine injury you will be responsible"

Explain that your religious exemption is because you believe Jews are using the clot shot you genocide Christians. I think that is pretty clear.

Get used to it, next they will deny food to anyone who doesn't take the mark of the beast on his right hand.
You lose $140, they lose their soul.

*To genocide Christians

Is that even legal?

Even a fellow co-worker who was found medically except said they included the following:
> reserves the right to
reconsider this exemption decision based on any new legal quidance
or factual information that may become available.

I hate neoliberals so much.

what state are you in? im a lawyer, if youre in my state come into my office and we'll discuss.

Stop giving your money to the insurance jew. You don't need doctors to look after your health. That's your job.

Definitely not, see the Geneva convention re: expirimental medical procedures. They are doing this anyway though, and if they are not going to abide by the convention, then OP need to either (if you know what I mean).

*Doesn't need to. Fuck, I can't type today.

Just look for another job
Search with heart, don't be a slob

Apply for a new job. Most employers are not doing this shady shit and even hyper-woke states are removing mandates. At this time there's no good reason for you to go along with this.

see They will drop it because they cannot fight it.
Covid is "over", It stopped when the war started remember?

No I don't even mean that. I meant the act of charging someone more an insurance premium because they did NOT take some particular medical procedure. I've never ever heard of that before.

nigger, my believes are between me and God.. I don't need to justify anything to you!

based and pajeetpilled

it's breaking the law to ask what the belief is, sue the fuck out of them

Tell them you will not divulge that info because you fear discrimination based on your beliefs. And then include some stuff about filing a wage claim if they try to take your money kek

Stick it in a briefcase?

>How do I respond to them
Like so....I am currently represented by my Attorney. If you have any further questions, you can speak with my legal representation. I will deal with this through them.