Nadal has breathing problems


Attached: .jpg (474x346, 19.31K)

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He can never become #1 now.

Safe and Effective, trust the science™, No refunds

I always knew novak would get the last laugh

Kek. Finally a somewhat known player getting ready to pay the tax.

The greatest happening of our lives is finally here.

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-03-21 12-34-02.png (672x754, 345.58K)

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A top athlete, vaccinated, and he still gets fucked by COVID. Why bother with vaccines then?

>Raphael Nadal
>21 GS
>4 doses

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He roids too so he should be careful. Could be career ender

This is a side effect of covid

>Novax's face when he's the only top player healthy enough to play in Australia next year

Attached: 50536_0102-draza_hs.jpg (245x200, 16.12K)

i can't even watch videos without being logged in now. Twitter is a fucking joke.

block cookies, works on my machine

Who said it was Covid? It was the vaccine


die disgusting vaxxer

Attached: deer.png (634x951, 90.29K)

I‘m a fat fuck, vaxxed twice, just had corona till two days ago and I’m totally fine. why is this healthy young man with best medical health care getting fucked by covid? Is it really like gambling who gets killed and who will literally have only not so bad symptoms?

depends when he took the vaccine, don't they wear off in a few months?

I'm just joking, that is probably the vaxx

wear off in what way? because they sure as shit don't stop people from getting covid