Russia says nearly 30k Russian soldiers killed or wounded

Pro-Kremlin Russian media:
>According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, during the special operation in Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces lost 9861 people killed, 16153 people were injured.

This is nearly 30k killed or wounded in less than 4 weeks without taking any major cities (Kherson is the largest but only the 17th most populous).

WSJ journalist:
>Komsomolskaya Pravda, the pro-Kremlin tabloid, says that according to Russian ministry of defense numbers, 9,861 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine and 16,153 were injured. The last official Russian KIA figure, on March 2, was 498.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Wow who will be next china,isreal lets find out


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That's from a climate change protest in austria like 6 months ago

1. You won't find an official source for this outside of (because MoD didn't say it).
2. There's a logical flaw. 25k is the number that Ukrainians make. Today MoD released a video and said, on top of other things, that Ukrainians claims about Russian losses is propaganda:
So according to your logic, they denied the Ukrainian propaganda and then said the same number?

Or maybe it is the tabloid that got hacked or infiltrated, but it was still enough for the archive?

But I won't stop you from playing the pic related game.

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65% of Russia is permafrost. Only 7% is arable.

Russia’s arable land is 462k square miles. Ukraine’s is 130k.

By taking Ukraine they are increasing their arable land by 30%.

This is worth a measly 10k russians

Ukraine claims 12k dead, USA claims 7k-/+, this russian tabloid says a little under 10k.

Official Kremlin says only 500 (lol)

I believe that as much as the 6 million

10k and 12k basically makes the same reaction
don't you think?
>Official Kremlin says only 500 (lol)
that's not recent but like from 2 weeks ago (when Ukraine claimed 3k-5k?)
it also unknown if the 500 included the Donbass army, which probably has many people from Donbass but with Russian passports

I doubt they are even counting rebels if they are only reporting 20% of their real soldier deaths.

Now that I think about it I feel like they came up with the 500 number by ONLY counting donbass rebel deaths.

lol i laugh how hard cope Ukie now.
they hacked the site and wrote a paragraph, with grammatical errors. After that, they immediately rushed to distribute it everywhere. The editors of the site have already cleaned it all.

Big if true, but it's the only source atm and they already deleted it.

the number was 500 killed and 1500 wounded

why are so many shills posting this?
>all fields.

So using the 5x rule that's 2,500 dead on week 2 which is about 2k lower than what Ukraine suggested which lines up to week 4 estimates of Ukraine saying 12k dead and this tabloid claiming 10k dead, 2k lower.

>posts debunked irrelevant shit
>1 post by this id
every time

>The paper is owned by Media Partner, which in turn is owned by ESN Group (Eвpoceвepнeфть), an energy company led by Grigory Berezkin, who has close links to Gazprom. In December 2000 the Norwegian media company A-Pressen bought 25 percent plus one share of the paper. It is published in tabloid format by "Izdatelsky Dom Komsomolskaya Pravda" (Komsomolskaya Pravda Publishing House).
>Gazprom was created in 1989, when the Soviet Ministry of Gas Industry was converted to a corporation, becoming the first state-run corporate enterprise in the Soviet Union. After the Soviet Union's dissolution, Gazprom was privatized, retaining its Russia-based assets. At that time, Gazprom evaded taxes and state regulation and engaged in asset stripping. The company later returned to government control in the early 2000s, and since then, the company is involved in the Russian government's diplomatic efforts, setting of gas prices, and access to pipelines.

>retard post
like pottery

from tg channel this press
On March 21, access to the admin interface was hacked on the Komsomolskaya Pravda website and a fake stuffing was made into a publication about the situation around the special operation in Ukraine
The false information was immediately deleted.

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yeah, sure, lmfao

Can't make an omelet without breaking nearly 30,000 eggs

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smells like victory

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Oy vey 6 million tovariches have been genocided by Ukrainian neo-nazis.

here link glownigger from the same site, read it itself

I'm not doubting they said it. They're trying to cover up what happened. "hacked", yeah right.

stay schizo

>Posting casualties
sounds like the war is ending

>komsomol pravda
>pro kremlin
Yeah, no Britnigger

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This is the first time you've even heard of it.