What did the Rothschild

mean by this?

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Painted by rothschild funded, jew artist Cleon Peterson

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my brother owns a painting from this kike, i should probably disown him

that you have to shill "art" nobody cares about on here, because twitter is just bots. More then here

some of his works, which always depict white women being raped and white men being slaughtered by black men

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Geez, I dunno. It’s so hard to decipher. Modern art huh? Who can tell anymore?

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LMFAO just remembered the obama portrait

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Based jew. Too bad they don't know that we will be coming for their women next. Can't get turned on during the sabbath? I'll be her sabbath guy and get turned on for you

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>Based jew. Too bad they don't know that we will be coming for their women next. Can't get turned on during the sabbath? I'll be her sabbath guy and get turned on for you
I don't think he's depicting it to try to warn about it. I think he likes it.

>What did the Rothschild
That they don't deserve to live

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their plans for europe

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t. retard

Kill whitey, obviously, niggers banding together to keep whites from having sex and then sexing one of them.

I uploaded this video to my channel. There's many more sick paintings for the Rothschilds. This implicated them in white genocide around the world as the hidden hand.


Wait until you see what the France president puts on the table next to his desk.

Pure coincidence stop with this conspiracy thinking nonsense at once!

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War on whites and who's behind it


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>pic related
I donno bros, he might be based

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“a vision of the future”

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This is the most openly talmudic worship of ugliness and evil I've ever seen. They're mocking us, aren't they? Knowing they'll never have to face a mob with torches and pitchforks?

>Los Angeles
Of course. Of course.

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It is actually super racist. They hate the white man and especially christian white people. They don't hate blacks as they don't even see them as humans. The white person they feel can challenge them, but to them blacks are just a means of destroying the white race forever.

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Oy vey. Just another coincidence goy

kill yourself cleon

this is what a jewish “victory” is depicted like

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the west is run by literal demons

white “wicked” flesh peeled from the bones of white men by black men

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We complain but where are the patriotic millionaires and billionaires funding pro-White, or pro-Liberal Humanistic or [Alternative-to-White-genocide] artworks?
You fucking people just love to complain but never do shit to set up an alternative, seems to me.
As I've been saying all morning, that's the #1 flaw of the Republican Party ==> "Small Government."
Embrace the fact that you'll need massive amounts of money to stage a FIGHT against this cultural warfare.
"Small government" and lower taxes is a short-sighted victory (you get to keep more of your money come tax time) and it's no fucking wonder they keep losing.
Trump won in 2016 because he repped basically a SANE DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE who wanted to keep the money in America and use US MONEY to help US CITIZENS (as opposed to building schools and etc everywhere BUT).

your hearts and minds will be slain

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