No way this garbage is consumed everyday

put this on the product sleeving and see how many customers would be buying seed oil garbage.

Attached: (((seed))) oil.webm (640x480, 2.13M)

Gotta feed lots of people somehow and thats the only known way where it works at a large scale.

imagine the smell

seed oils especially s'o'y oil are the cause for the downfall of the west. You can explain nearly everything with s'o'y, from feminized men to overweight women, cancer, alzheimers...

Attached: Dr. Chris Knobbe - 'Diseases of Civilization_ Are Seed Oil Excesses the Unifying Mechanism_' - YouTube - 35_53.jpg (1600x900, 344.29K)

so what do you do? dont use cooking oil? eat only meat and veggies and fruits


no, use olive or avocado, olives oil is from the olive flesh, not the seed. this garbage is literal industrial sludge pretending to be edible.

Dry fry meat and veg, or use a little butter. Use a little pure olive oil in tomato sauce and extra virgin only in salad dressing. Any consumption of lineolic acid/Omega 3 fats must be balanced out with fish oil. Eat fermented food.
>t. down 60 lbs on this diet

no problem for you but i have a problem with it, you can consume as much as you want buddy.

Should i use Butter?

butter is also not butter, its margarine garbage that will bloat you like a balloon and kill your insides, just use olive or avocado. be careful, and read labels, because the kike companies mix seed oils with avocade, it should give you what percentage is what.

I mean use Actual OG Butter.

Nigga you don't eat seed oil, you use it for frying, roasting, then sink it, and papertowel your cooked stuffs if possible

I use ghee

i dry it with paper towel, but its still there, its in everything along with (((corn))) products and (((syrups))). its forced in everything. even if its for frying, smelling this garbage is toxic enough.

>Consuming the same amount of calories
>some mice gaining more weight than others

That's literally impossible and your a brainlet for believing it. World hunger would be solved if you could invent food that would cause people to gain weight by consuming the same net amount of calories

Da fuck is that?
Is it how sunflower seed oil is made?

it's literally just pressing the seed. maybe you're just a pussy who doesn't really know anything about anything.

what's shown in the webm would actually be healthier than the refined / bleached product that ends up in bottles.

Just use sewage oil

pressing seeds shouldnt yield sludge.

>implying we haven't already solved world hunger
>implying the elite aren't just fucking over the third world because it's funny

Attached: Tomatoes-Grown-Hydrfoponically-1024x768.jpg (1024x768, 214.72K)

I only use butter, am I good bros?

Attached: 1647656050739.jpg (500x500, 66.71K)

Whats wrong with it? its industrial scale cold-pressed oil. Just because it has sediment doesnt make it bad, you do realize its further refined...?
have you ever made anything from scratch user?

hey man don't be so rude, that shit is perfectly fine. For running diesel engines.

Have you ever actually cooked or done anything with food other than eating it? A lot of things look gross during processing.

No, nigger.
Low calorie and no protein food like this does NOT solve hunger. And we did solve world hunger in the sixties by inventing dwarf wheat. The problem then became niggers and asians.

I use tallow / lard > butter(not margarine) > coconut > olive

You WILL eat the seed sludge.

My neighbor blames the cancer his brothers got / died from on doing that
says those oils + stuff like vegetable and canola are basically poison

I don't see what's the problem, old Diesel engines can burn some seed oils quite well.

Those are filters and the sludge is the oil residue. This is a smaller version for olive oil production but the process is the same.

Attached: Filtrado-aceite-de-oliva.jpg (800x450, 50.31K)