He was right

He was right

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you fags really need to get a life, go read a book or something

isn't that the guy who makes tutorials on how to mke normies based?

And yet christcucks donate millions to Israel and Africa while worshiping sluts, wondering why men aren't becoming christian

I would destroy him in debate.

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who what

Another breadtuber whose career died after Trump failed to be reelected

Literally how
He made a series on the big spooky methods of how the alt right argues and behaves and spreads its beliefs and whatnot

>this thread again
the entire video is all strawmans. don't bother


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Explain how it is?

1 post by this ID

It's becoming more and more clear that it's christcucks who are actively subverting the right wing.

Only 1 person in this entire article is alt-right and thats peinovich the rest are just conservacuck adjacents.

why didnt you post the video in OP? Ive never seen it if youre even afraid to link it and give a summary youre probably unsure about the points made by that aggot yourself.

Explain how he was right first. Make a coherent argument

let's say his argument is that he is saying the moon isn't real. Well it is, therefore he is wrong and misinformed

He is a clown.

>worships a jew
>uses the phrase "judeo-chrsitian"
>openly hates muslims, but kisses rabbi ass constantly
>turn the other cheek
i hope more churches burn down this summer kek, that was hilarious and you fags won't do shit besides pray and ask for gibs

Can’t destroy a tranny that runs away from the debate before it starts

Most of his accusations are common leftist rhetoric and positions, and his attempts at painting the alt right is rarely by example, he just goes "Here's a logical fallacy or dishonest rhetorical technique. Alt right bad."

>the alt-right are a bunch of faggot grifters and cuckservative e-celebs

The "right" doesn't even exist in the West, not anymore at least.

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they have been for at least 100 years. christcucks fucking LOVE race mixing and globalism. just so long as every mulatto is baptized and pays their tithing

>big spooky methods

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>Here is the playbook of something that far left media made up
What did he mean by this?

Couple years ago I decided I needed a new hobby. I live in an area where there's three churches for every mile of road and I saw a couple a county over that had a kike flag flying and I knew what I was going to do. So, I started going to church twice a week. I strike up conversations and look for an opening and tell them a lie about how I went to israel and got spit on there and I didn't know why so I did some research to find out why. I then tell them all about what the jews think of christians, bring up how even the jews of jesus's time had him killed for heresy, and how they've taken over our government/media/etc. I like to text them tidbits of the talmud so they see what jews think of nonjews, especially christians.

Is it worth it to start my own movement, or can I still join National Alliance or something else. I want to get off my ass and make a difference politically or die fucking trying

>muh alt-right
This isn't 2015. Go back to discord/breadtube.

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>What did he mean by this?
he wants you to stop making him think critically about geopolitics because its making it hard for him to enjoy his race mixed mulatto christcuck family

Bro I'm going to start putting flyers on cars in church parking lots posing as a jew and saying how jesus is burning in boiling hot excrement in hell according to the talmud

it uses this nonsensical hegelian dialectic where it presupposes that everyone in the "alt-right" is an irrational depressed loser who has been manipulated into believing racist lies. It doesn't address any actual ideological arguments, doesn't clearly define what the "alt-right" even is, and instead just nitpicks about random logical fallacies and pretends like the "alt-right" is the only one who makes these fallacies.

notice pic related. he very quickly skims over this without really even defending his position. he ASSUMES this position to be correct. he thinks that anyone who doesn't agree that we should have universal access to education is literally evil. It's thinly veiled Marxist propaganda, and I mean that literally.


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Also christcuck men are the biggest feminists I know. The typical "let me as the boss hur hur" and "happy wife happy life" absolute cucks.

Its ironic that they always say this, as they're basically doing the exact same shit they claim this so called "alt right" is doing. They use their "Social Justice" to basically brainwash or remove people they don't like, making them act like Stalin on Speed.

as the boss = ask the boss
damnit phone posting

harry potter?

>I want to get off my ass and make a difference politically or die fucking trying
The only way that you will ever 'make a difference' is to die trying, accelerating the decline and fall by going full Tarrant or Breivik and taking over the headlines for less than 4 hours before the general public moves onto something else. Anything else involves you either being completely co-opted by the managerial-bureaucratic state or being forced into abject poverty for your beliefs, i.e. the state of affairs for 90% of those that form political parties or movements in the modern west. Just look at the British BNP - even the most milquetoast of political groups even approaching 'right wing' are snuffed out and destroyed, radicalising people further.

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