Should we torture Boopy and other Mordor pows?

You know, we have, like, A LOT of captured goblins now. I think it will be fair for them to pay for Poopeen crimes.

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Ya torturing POWs will surely stop Putin

No not the Boopy !

Make them farm gold for your vidya

He's already pretty stopped. I went to the military enlistment office just today. They didn't accept me because my eyesight is -6. I was told that there are enough soldiers, and "warriors" like me are not needed.

why is morder legion gaining ground?

“The Geneva Convention indicates that it's not permitted to photograph and embarrass or humiliate prisoners of war,”

You talk shit like crazy and break the rules of war, then you turn around to the west like little girls crying your eyes out when Russia smacks you around.

Threads like this make me glad your shithole country is being destroyed.

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No, duh. Treat them as normal POWs. For a hundred reasons - not least that it wasn't even their own bright idea to do this.

imagine the smell

This is true. Of course it's a relatively minor crime, but a crime nevertheless.

Well technically it is a special operation not a war

To give in to hate is to destroy yourself, user.

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>World Special Operation 2

i think it would benefit putin.

But the russkie goblins are not glad at all, because they will have to pay reparations to us for many more years. Not to mention nearly 15,000 orcs killed and over 30,000 maimed. Their families must be completely destroyed by grief now.

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im starting to dislike ukrainians. i can see why putin wants to kill them now

kek ukrops suggesting this stuff (the ones that matter, not you) are not really making life of ukie POW's any easier

and technically ukranians are not humans. im kidding. their women look actually not that bad, and there are a bunch of them around here now. its very funny that the swedes got the ayrabs and we get ukranian women

no that's nigger behavior, just tape a sign to their head saying "fat retard" and ship them to jail somewhere

>i can see why putin wants to kill them now
thats not the goal, he wants to sent ukranians to europe so they will destroy it :D

lmao LARP.

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haha you are blind molepiggy kys faggot

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Do it

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Just sell them as slaves to Libya. Make the steppe harvest great again.

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>You talk shit like crazy and break the rules of war, then you turn around to the west like little girls crying your eyes out when Russia smacks you around.
this kek. I don't mind russomongoloids being tortured, I just hope ukrops will suffer the same fate

look at how well it ended for the german heroes of yours you so desperate wish to follow their legacy...

>I think it will be fair for them to pay for Poopeen crimes.
Why? It's not their fault that they got sent into the meatgrinder. Most of them weren't even told the invasion was happening until the day it started.

>when Mordor smacks you around
Two more... months?

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No, torture is literally one of the only evils of this world. This and genocide.
Kill your enemies, if you must. Destroy their vehicles, kill their commanders.

But don't torture people. It is the path to ruin and a lot of hate that will come back at you.
It's evil when you do it, it's evil when they do it, it was evil when the Americans, British, French, Germans, Russian did it.
It was evil when deranged civis did it to others.
It's evil when Black guys do it. It's evil when White guys do it. It's evil when Arabs do it.

Torture is pointless evil that reinforces your own hatred and theirs and makes bridging the gap when the fighting is finally over even harder.

Not to forget - When you commit atrocities to another people, the things they will do to you when they finally conquer you will be even harsher.


>“The Geneva Convention indicates that it's not permitted to photograph and embarrass or humiliate prisoners of war,
Is that really in the Geneva convention? It's just a bit of banter mat. Can't soldiers handle that shit after what they go through in training?

Nobody forbids these orcs to just drop their weapons and surrender instead of, you know, firing on cities, etc.

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source : "trust me bro"

>and a lot of hate that will come back at you.
The hate comes anyway. The damage you get from torturing people is the damage you do to yourself.

Are you one of those Russian rape babies or just a son of a 'holocaust survivor'? You should move to Moscow so you can all burn together.

The behavior of Ukrainians helped me decide that I would like to see Russia turn their cities to piles of ash.

Depends on how much land you want to keep after this all ends.

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I would not mind returning the Kuban.

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I agree
everything about ukr*nians is insane and subhuman, true goyim type of stuff

ukr*nians are lower than turkroaches and should just be exterminated iff the face of the earth

Is this your new shill manual, or something?

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