In the year 2022, most of humanity's wealth is given to a few dozens of people...

In the year 2022, most of humanity's wealth is given to a few dozens of people. Their daily life is mostly answering phones, sitting at tables and reading mails. For that they get to enjoy a larger amount of wealth any king or emperor ever had in History.

They have people to tell them what to say, people to tell them what to wear, people to manage their wealth and even people to manage their business for them.

They produce nothing.They invent nothing. They contribute nothing to society, only their insane amount of money "works" for them by investing in their sole interest, often to the detriment of society. Only exceptions would the creation of new ludicrously wasteful entertainement to satisfy their warped tastes.

How did they got all that wealth ? Partly inheritance, partly riding that one good idea they had once decades ago and were lucky enough to know the right people to put to work.

Can we start thinking about how our society allocate wealth ? Money was suppose to be a tool, made to symbolize the usefulness to society and permit faster and more accurate trading. How is it accurate now ?

> muh jealousy
How long will you hide behind that weak argument ? Does it help you to accept being exploited by a cast you have no chance to ever join ? Are you jealous of jewish wealth and influence ? No. Finding something unjust isn't jealousy.

Tldr: kill all the billionairs. We would solve the current crisis just with the inheritance tax.

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Bump for effort.

Money made sense before computers. Now it's just lies and passes until we hit a pinch.

Yet the power linked to money is still there. We let our countries being ruled by companies dealing in monopoly money. They make legislations, they don't pay taxes anymore and they don't even have to pretend to work for the common good, unlike an elected government.

We pretty much live in Syndicate now, we're just late on the androids.

>inheritance tax.
kek, they're too rich so let's take it and give it to the government, that'll fix it.

>They contribute nothing to society
>money "works" for them
Hmmm. Me in my crypto ?

Look into "Babylonian money magic". It's not about the physical determinations anymore, it's about controlling what you think about. "I would love to do x but that would cost y monies".

They already have the physical authority, it's creeping in on individual biochemistry.

Fix it no, but with such income I dare any politician to whine about the debt and further destroy public services and infrastructures.

Crypto is another symptom of this destruction of money. Doing something totally useless and wasting ressources creates value. For a society, this is peak stupidity.

I don't know user.
Social-economic progress has always come from France so I guess it's up to you guys to figure it out.
The menace of a Communist/Socialist overthrow was big enough for Western capitalists to accept higher taxes and the welfare state was born.
Now the danger is long gone and they're paying less and less tax unpunished, while our healthcare, infrastructure and social services are getting worse. Eventually - we'll have to tax the rich. Freeze some assets so they don't leave. Forbid (or try to lessen) speculation in real estate, at least for residential properties.

The problem is that most political parties are loyal to the big money owners. And they're using their power to make us think that red man bad.
But again, every single process has so far come from the red banners. Without it, we would still be working 70 hours a week with no unions.

Doesn't work here.
>Tax inheritance
>Give it back the instant there's a single fucking problem
Just shooting them all until their line is extinguished ought do

>Social-economic progress has always come from France
Neither the agricultural nor the financial nor the proto-industrial revolution came from France, with threads like this you can get why
People like to larp as if they were in still in the nineteenth century as if most of their national product didn't come from the state

You're perfectly right.

The current system won't stand for long but it clearly needs a huge crisis to change. Think about it, we went threw CoviD crisis with most people stopping their work and yet corporations and billionairs became even richer. Now we have an inflation crisis, an energy crisis and soon a food crisis all over the world and all that happens is some politicians politely suggesting to raise taxs for the ultra rich. A little. Maybe. Even with people now paying triple what they use to pay for gas.

The system is deeply rooted, it uses medias to control and divert people's anger towards other things like war, racism, religion. But it's mathematic, at some point, people won't be able to live anymore.

What matters now is how much damage it will make. If the change happens soon, we might avoid to lose a too high purcentage of the population. Sadly, I think it will be high, and not only in third world countries as usual.

Sure but I was Tldring it. We mostly need to make it impossible to become billionairs. No amount of work, dedication or even genius justify that concentration of wealth.

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Just shoot them when they become a problem, otherwise you have to pass through a bureaucracy that will be friendlier to the wealthy than it will ever be to you.
Change comes from people's desires, leaving it to the government is asking for a heap of trouble as history clearly shows

It does and it doesn't. Most of France wealth and power comes from corporations closely linked to the state like Total or Vinci. They sustain a wasteful system, parasiting everything to create fake value and let people think real "jobs" are nlw third sectors producing nothing.

We need to stop that and produce again. Fearing competition with poor countries is meaningless if you start to value money as it should be, not as a wealth in itself. We should produce what we need, buy less stuff from elsewhere and exchange only what we can't have. It seems obvious but we have stop doing so a long time ago. If we rationalize things again, with the technology we have today, we can boost the wealth of the average man by multiple degrees.

Yes, the rich got richer during COVID. Money goes to money. They have enough funds to invest and reap the rewards afterwards.
There's risk for sure but the system is very skewed in favor of those who have massive amounts of funds.
When you think about it, wealth passed over generations in the same family doesn't happen because they are all 100% financial geniuses but because they have opportunity.
Anyways, all this to say that it was ok for the rich to make lots of money as long as our living standard was going up. Which it was, because of scientific advancement - not because of wealth distribution.
Right now, science is stalling compared to before. There haven't' been major breakthroughs physics and chemistry as there were in the 50-80s period.
Slowly but surely we're living worse than our parents.
We are the first generation since WW2 to do this.

At some point people WILL get fed up, unless they're dumbed down like many Americans are (just look at a typical US highschool and how people act).

I don't know where a people's breaking point would be.
Looking at Eastern Europe, I see people not doing anything despite living in an extreme poverty. Well they emigrate so that's their solution. I guess once it gets overwhelmingly bad in the West, people will start making enough noise for something to happen.

It's depressing... but I'm seeing some improvement in people's attitude. They're more aware that they're being played. They can now eat less, spend less and it's starting to make them mad.
I just hope that this doesn't end up being used to do something stupid (like go to war with Russia because "they made inflation" or something)!

>inb4 someone says “it’s just the Jewish billionaires”
Rich goys have also fucked you over.

Eastern europeans have an "excuse". They're used to it. They are seen as "poor country" since communism and think the capitalist world "won" and deserve to be better off. In reality, they just reach their breaking point faster during communism because it was a even more wasteful and nonsense system.

Worst is Africa. They have ressources. They have the manpower. They could be a major power in the world if not the biggest. Yet they are exploited by everyone and only fight amongst themselves. Why ? The same reason monarchy lasted so long in Europe: lack of education.

You need to be educated to revolt. French revolution result from the Lumieres, worker rights were won when unions started to teach politics to workers (they don't anymore) and even decolonisation happened when the local elits, educated in western countries like Ghandi, decided to revolt.

You should honestly consider the fact that black people aren't human.

You don't need racism to explain Africa situation. It's the least educated continent on Earth, it's the poorest one. Done.

As for why it's the least educated, you can blame it on race or colonialism, I don't care.