At this point Joe Biden is a liability for the Democratic party

At this point Joe Biden is a liability for the Democratic party.
Many people believe that he will be assassinated on friday during his visit in Poland.

Attached: hunter-times.jpg (2000x1333, 1.41M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>assassinating someone who's already dead

Attached: pepe_not_sure.jpg (653x523, 124.29K)

>At this point

They will probably blame it on Russians.


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I hope so

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I don't think democrats and neocohenoids truly understand how much the average person ABHORES Joe Biden. Wouldn't it be laughtastic if Joe got assassinated then the American public just said fuck him and didn't do anything but put a new person in charge?

how is that decrepit old fool even able to travel anywhere? no assassins needed, he will just collapse dead from the plane flight

Assasinate Joe
>gets pressident Harris

Seems like a win/win for all foreign powers

No one will go to war for this illegitimate government.

No. Hunter's existence makes the Woke propaganda anti-fragile. When they refuse to acknowledge hunters existence, but everyone knows about it, it's like "fuck you, we know that you know that we know, and we don't care. No matter how corrupt we become our cause is just and you just have to accept 'The Message' as a new way of life. There is nothing you can do about it."

Many people believe 2 weeks

Why would Poland assassinate Biden?

99% of normies believe that Russia is great satan and not America.

>Assassination of a puppet

Explain to me why people think Assassination of the Ogliarchies puppet would benefit them?

normies are NPC's, their opinions are irrelevant.

2 more weeks

i just hope they get kamala and pelosi at the same time

Dead inside as well as on the outside


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If this happens I'll going full gorilla warfare.

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Joe-Bob is going to resign over this. My bet is right after the midterms.

look at his swedish homosexual!


Attached: biden bucked.webm (977x546, 485.6K)

Okay groomer

We'll see how they feel when the truth hits.
10% for the big guy.

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Slow drip of new laptop content by Jack Maxey.

I get the impression from that Hunter barebacked a pozzed hooker.