You know that blowing up this

and other russian plumbings will end the war immediately

Attached: Nord-Stream-590x2000.jpg (590x366, 52.11K)

How so?

You're right, it would end the war. Russia would nuke whoever did it.

Germans would not like that

Russians should do this on their own to redeem themselves. Ofc I doubt any of them would do this since they are soulless subhumans for whom human life has no value at all


Because nuclear launch detected? There is a war between Ukraine and Russia. If Poland blew up a Russian pipeline, there would be strikes against civilian infrastructure in Poland, and Article 5 won't protect you from the consequence of your own military adventurism.

Certainly its not butthurting, but a fact proven by them in last month

Another day and another pole NATO tranny shill complaining about "muh russia"
Weird... don't see any Baltic flags...yet

>Muh nukes
He kvetch about nuking everything every five minutes if someone do X so I don't see any problem. Especially since everything owned by russia outsider russia is overtaken by govs or destroyed now

Op, that is the most nieve statement i think I've ever heard!

Naturally a polak thinks everything can be solved by removing pipes

We're too busy drilling holes in NS2 to occupy this thread.

It would end electricity in Germany, so yeah for a lot of Germans the war would end immediately since they can't see it.

real talk, i think i hate poles more than ukranians and russians at this point

That would free Russia from their long term export deals with the EU so they can increase their export to more reliable partners in the east, so sure go ahead. This could end the war since people in the EU would freeze and starve, but i'm not sure

Doesn't Europe still rely on that for gas atm?

>he doesn't know
if we cut russian gas/oil import, it's literally, and I'm not exaggerating, the end of western society, full blown civil wars and famine.
The thing is, no one is crazy enough to do so, but if we keep pushing Putin, he might just do it, and if he does that...

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)

>they can increase their export to more reliable partners in the east
And receive one ¥uan in exchange for everything. Why China would pay more for their raw materials if they are their last business partner?

He won't do it, because he need money. Westerners are his big fat piggy bank and ATM

I cant wait till we nuke your stinking shithole with Ivan in it pole. T. Adolf Hitler

>russian plumbings will end the war
ruskie dont use plumbing

Attached: Russiaball streetshitter.jpg (1024x739, 119.29K)