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As if White birth rates are not low enough.
God damn kikes.

>decades of data

does it take into account feminism? or dual-income households? working all the time for nothing? it's not fucking kids that are making people unhappy.

That's right though. Having kids doesn't automatically "fix" your shit live, it just adds an additional stressor. If it were true, then everybody with kids would be happy.

it's time to question that narrative that hitler was wrong

It's true. If you don't believe it, then have children of your own and mind your business.

to all kissless virgins here,as a father of two, kids are annoying as fuck,and a pain in the ass until they become somewhat independent pre-teens.
i totally get people don't want them as much

The saddest part is not that kikes want us to die out, it is that the cattle actually believe this bullshit and eat it up.

>That's right though. Having kids doesn't automatically "fix" your shit live, it just adds an additional stressor. If it were true, then everybody with kids would be happy.
and that's the problem. living has become so unaffordable that no one is having kids. this of course is used to justify bringing in millions of low iq useless immigrants from third world shitholes to make life even worse.

yes, such an inconvenience. you could've been living such a fulfililng life playing video games & going to movies & bars at 30-35 years of age.

>as a father of two
Hopefully the next Samir Kuntar will slaughter them with you and your wife one night

the only meaningful thing you'll ever do in your life, and you're complaining about it on the internet like a fucking teenager
neck yourself and do your kids a favor by willing all your shit to them. As it stands now, you're just an impediment to them.

i swear Any Forums is like 90% mudslimes, i hope zemmour gets elected and kicks you back into the desert where you belong

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How is it a “social narrative” that people generally reproduce. A society without some form of reproduction literally does not function or exist.

I don't have kids for a lot of reasons. No woman would have me, I'm unfit to raise them, and I'd probably end up killing them.

I'm not an antinatalist and don't really care if people pump out enough babies or not but I do wonder at times how you can make the conscious decision to bring another poor soul into a world going down the shitter at an accelerating pace

daily reminder that the entire concept of an Eruv is that Jews think that they can literally cheat their way into heaven with a contract technicality
like, "you're not allowed to do work on the sabbath day"
so they make up a magical wire and say "HA-HA WE'RE IN THE MAGIC WIRE ZONE, WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE WANT HERE!"

>a big think

No one's stopping you from having kids chud

getting children is basically giving up on your comfy life for the next 8 years. But at least you have someone to talk to when they grow up.

Why did you get two instead of just a single one ? Anyway, I agree with you, having kids is not for me either. This generation is helpless, they all want to be YouTube or Twitch celebrities as soon as they become 10 year old

Big Think is owned by Freethink Media and is part of an ecosystem of publications reimagining the news.

Free think media CEO = Chandler Tuttle

Chandler Tuttle is the youngest brother of MacKenzie Scott.

MacKenzie Scott formerly Bezos;

you can only gain redemption through your worldly actions
souls which are not allowed to return to earth to finish learning what they must are forever condemned

holy shit, half a million! That's like 10k in 2022 money and 50$ in 2030 money

same, Frenchy, same.

You say this like you actually have some kind of stake in your country. You own nothing your participation is insignificant. You are a slave to the ruling class. It's very American of you to think you actually matter.

Had my first kiss at 35 and then my second this past year at 37. My only regret is not having then when I was younger.

if you believe this you shouldn't be reproducing anyway. no one worth reproducing is looking at BIG THINK SCIENCE to decide if they should have kids. its just a cope for unhappy spinsters

>people are naturally unhappy, we better kill them

correlation doesnt mean causation. retards. most people are unhappy because mostp eople ARE UNHAPPY.

> Bug think science

Shout it louder for the tards in the back who couldn't hear you. People are unhappy as parents because the world is designed in such a way that having and raising functional, mentally healthy children is virtually impossible. We are worked to death to pay taxes to politicians that hate us so that money can pay off a debt we didn't accrue. Our children are assailed day in and day out by leftist propaganda in the classroom, on the television, on the internet, on billboards, in shop windows, everywhere you can think. Even if you keep the state and media away from your children in all forms possible, they will inevitably be exposed to the extremely effective mindrot the Jew pours out like gallons and gallons of toxic sludge. The only way would be to prevent them from socializing with other children, which will fuck them up just as bad. Then you have the shitty food supply, microplastics, chemtrails, etc.

It's a symptom of a much larger nose.

>Is fulfilling your biological imperative a good thing?
>Experts say no!

These surveys are retarded, the goons giving the survey get to decide "happiness" but never ask you if you are happy. They ask things like "do you have time for yourself? Are you stressed ?, do you spend more or less time with your spouse? Etc etc"

And then the kikes says oh they answered negatively to these questions ergo they are unhappy. Fuck you kikes having kids has been the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I hope they grow up to terrify you.

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>they all want to be YouTube or Twitch celebrities
That's what you get for letting YouTube and twitch celebrities babysit your kids so you don't have to deal with them.

Having kids sucks sometimes. It’s not fun going to work with no sleep or taking care of them when they’re sick. It’s hard work and deserves to be praised. But you know what else isn’t fun all the time? Literally everything in life worth a shit.

if you wont bare children then the niggers will. Force yourself just like your force yourself to work out and study. give u p your comfy life for 10 years. It's like training a pet but 10 times as tiem intensive. it's rewarding when they hit age 25

Half a million: that’s a good down payment for an empty house, lots of Funko Pops and trips to Disney Land!

>Samir Kuntar
you mean Samyl al-hyadeen

It's difficult but it have to be done, between all the problems there are moments of extreme joy that make it worth it. Just remember the Muslims and blacks make all those little babies and in a couple of generations we are extinct

now give me ze kiss

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eml.berkeley.edu/~cle/laborlunch/stevenson.pdf "The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness"
>By most objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women’s happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men.

medpagetoday.com/psychiatry/depression/73485 "Suicide Rate in Women Jumps by 50% From 2000-2016"

nytimes.com/2009/05/26/opinion/26douthat.html "Liberated and Unhappy"

scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=17015721713864472493 "Gender Differences in Subjective Well-Being and Their Relationships with Gender Equality"
>(...) a low rate of female non-agricultural employment is associated with higher female-versus-male happiness and satisfaction.

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That's true because the majority of people having kids nowadays don't want them.

Yes, the stability and sense of belonging is what would make you unhappy. Now take some antidepressant and fuck more strangers.

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There's more to life than sticking your cock in a wet hole which is something even bugs can do

I’d also like to say that while being childless is fun when you’re young and life is mostly good is great, but that middle aged people without children are some of the most miserable people I’ve ever met. Once your friends start dying off and moving on and you’re no longer young or healthy enough to enjoy the things you used to, all that you end up with is loneliness and regret.

I'm suspicious of anyone who starts with the premise that this is the only purpose of life

>make it so being able to sustain yourself is almost impossible
>force 2 income households to be able to sustain yourself
>kid is raised alone, through the kiked media and school systems, taught to hate himself and his ancestors (and by proxy parents)

Also, I think they realized that people caught up on the narrative that having kids is bad for the enviroment because everyone knows we'll be filled with subsaharian 60 IQ individuals in 2 decades so now they're trying to appeal to emotion.

Love me wife
Love me kids
God grants me my life under the Sun
Simple as.

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BASED! None of us will have children anyway. No one in this thread has kids, and if you do, you neglect them. This is congruent with the values of our movement. Fuck the parental Jew.

ahahahaha are you even trying

I get your point. But it is actually more complicated than that. How do you prevent your kid from being influenced by other kids at school ? He will eventually get in touch with stupid video games and devilish media content.
I am interested by this subject. How can one have the time to fully educate his son and properly make him avoid umwanted company?

Reproduction is the divine mission of life. As much matter in the universe as possible should be made alive. This divine mission resonates from that holy, demigod species we call "man," all the way down to the lowliest of bacteria. How is the significance of this purpose lost to you?

You forgot the memeflag, moshe.


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>devolope a social-economic atmosphere of terror
>make getting children a major risk of poverty
>sap all the power and money from a state and create (((oligarchs))) who wont be called oligarchs
>do the math
>huh, you shouldn't get children now, should you?


I would wager this is right, because the entire system crushes parenthood.
Have a kid, then either stick them in daycare and let them be raised by others, or try to live off one income as every single resource moves towards a dual income cost.

Having children was the best thing that I ever did.

They aren't low
You are eating what they are spoonfeeding you

Why do you type like you're 14 years old

Just came here to further echo this.

Why are people so concerned with being happy? Happiness isn't something you feel all the time, it's a warm chocolate chip cookie, walking the beach with your wife, hugging your children, little fleeting moments. If you expect (or worse, think you deserve) happiness as a baseline you're in for a lot of dissapointment.

>jews trying to jew God, yet again.
Jesus was right about them
>You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.

Once you have kids you realize people in their 30s without kids are fucking losers. Period.

2 times people got mad when i said this. 1 time on this board aswell.