
I was told Russia would be of lose by now and war will over, why is this not happen?

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Can I get a quick explanation by the ghost of kiev?

>"American English"

Russia's military is simultaneously a world-ending threat and also an anaemic, incompetent clown show.
So, it could be over any time between right now and a thousand years.

Nice VPN, Ivan.

Hello comrade! Who told you this thing?

Same people who told me about the victories of the Ghost of Kiev told me that Russia could only last until last Sunday, why would they lie?

Ukraine has destroyed 6,000,000 Russian tanks and is now marching onto Moscow. Don't listen to the Putin bots

>I was told Russia would be of lose by now
We have an 1-UP.
Bing bing wahoo!


He's a video game, literally a fucking video game, that's how stupid they think you are.

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Both sides are full of shit.

Russia acted like they were going to take the entirety of Ukraine in 30 seconds flat, while NATO countries are pushing this retarded narrative that Ukrainians are killing 1000000 Russians for each dead Ukrainian.

It's propaganda user.

indian tier grammar sir

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>Russia acted like they were going to take the entirety of Ukraine in 30 seconds flat
Has Russia ever provided a proposed timetable for their invasion? Or is it western media attempting to paint the picture that because they couldn't take it in 30 seconds flat that suddenly they're on the retreat?


How many mobile crematoriums are needed for the 6 trillion?

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Ivan i think you should spend more time in school so you can actually speak english before shitposting on the internet.

But to answer your question, russia is not exactly losing by military power, they are losing economically, once you finish elementary school you will understand what that means.

Nobody said that, however vatniks did say Ukraine would be annexed in a few days and most Ukrainians would accept this (lol)

>Monday shill post

>russia is not exactly losing by military power, they are losing economically
That's they're norm, why is US begging Venezuela for oil though?

Oh hi Ukrainian hiding behind a meme flag

Judging by the Nazi model, only a few. Turns out you can actually incinerate lots and lots of people all at once in very little time, and have nothing left over to hide afterwards. It's a brutal war implement.

Burgers think if you dont win by bombing the shit out of the country through a lighting fast campaign you don't actually win

and who do you think is going to lose money once they start buying oil from Venezuela instead of Russia?

no wonder russia is such a shithole if this is the average level of inteligense of a russian

Europe has already declared they need Russian gas, silly. And US is beginning to be shut down globally now that everyone doesn't want to join us on our shitty sanction crusades