Huge country chock full of resources

>huge country chock full of resources
>still poor as fuck
How do they do it?

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russia needs another revolution

come here and realize
meanwhile I'm gonna illigaly landcrossing to eu to escape this mordor

Corruption maybe

It's cold out here. Everything that is produced in Russia is more expensive because of additional spendings on heating and infrastructure. Also, unregulated US built capitalism.

You know why

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70 years of communism. Remember before the jews, Russia was an empire.

Real nations don't sell their natural resources. If your country is selling off all your natural resources, it's not a country it's the cia.

Sanction and bullshitery internationally since 1989. When they made a smartphone back in 2010s, the tariff fees for Canada would make it cost $2500 here.
Also their money gets stolen on a continuous basis by various countries, because they werent part of international organizations where you could complain about these things.

The revolution and 70 years of communism really sent them back. The cold really affects thier ability to be useful in subtitle ways, they don’t have a lot of productive trustworthy neighbors, so they have a lot expended on weird broader terroist problems instead of a nice trade

Russia was dead-broke before communism. I think it's the same as the rest of Eastern Europe - constant wars, threats, and bullying have taught people to keep their heads low and just do what their told.

>full of resources
>can’t sell them to anyone

Communism is one hell of an economic system.
It is capable of turning the most prosperous countries into a joke.
They are still dealing with the aftermath of what the Soviet era did to them, plus the added corruption that the oligarchs brought with them when they bought off major industries for peanuts in the years of chaotic liberalization after the fall of communism.
Putin being Putin and getting Russia involved in controversial wars also helps, of course.

They've been a jewish vassal state since the death of Nicholas II.

They had 30 years of free market and still failed

>Also, unregulated US built capitalism.
This is the reason. Russians will always blame someone else instead of learning from their own mistakes. In their minds they are perfect and everything they do is right. How can you ever build anything with such attitude? You can't, hence avg monthly salary is $500.

>Everything that is produced in Russia is more expensive because of additional spendings on heating and infrastructure. Also, unregulated US built capitalism.
now that is cope right here
norwegians live completely fine, its your retardedly high military spending and corruption
not fucking unregulated economy you commiefag

>It's cold out here. Everything that is produced in Russia is more expensive because of additional spendings on heating and infrastructure
You have free natural gas and free oil though. It should even things out.

Communism was an economic miracle for Russia bro.

>I think it's the same as the rest of Eastern Europe
It would be like if the only warm climate nighbors Canada has were were a bunch of siminhostile buffer states

It baffles my mind user

>Nicholas II.
Miss that little nigga.

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miracle in a sense that it allowed stalin to sell of all the grain to western country so he could get factories, hence the famine

>Communism was an economic miracle for Russia bro.
Communism mysteriously can't feed a nation that has massive fields for agriculture. It made africans poorer because on top of niggers being dumb they were saddled with communist ideas and couldn't effectively till the rich soils of that continent.

Money from selling resources has been stuffed into off shore accounts of selected few and not put into circulation of Russian economy. We are talking about hundreds of billions of $ taken out from Russia. If it would've been put into circulation it would've multiplied many-fold over the period of last 20 years. Trillions really.

Brainwashed. Only the satellite countries had anything real under that system. Thier complete inieffeicents were just masked.
>huge country
In Russia’s case this is more of a liability because so much of it is cold tundra that needs special development to be productive, but also still needs defending.

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>come here and realize
The people?

Just look into it and check the numbers. The "Central planning is le bad" meme is propaganda. Not saying it would work in the West, where you have a different kind of people, but in the East it turbocharged Russia's development. Just look at the number of nukes they have and the space race. That's no small achievement. The USSR was the second largest economy in the world.

They can also recirculate the "waste heat" from the machinery to warm up the room bu they probably throw it away through a chimney.

So far as I know, the obsession of the central planners to control 24 million prices by diktat instead of allowing free markets to decide the prices led to massive shortages and massive waste. The sheer inefficiency of communism can't be put into words. You had warehouses full of one kind of goods (which were overproduced an nobody needed them) while other goods were in such short supply that they couldn't be found even in the black markets. Communism is just dumb.

russians are basically white niggers, once you realize this everything they do starts making sense

Russia was sanctioned in 2014.
Might have been sanctioned in 2008 as well unless I'm mistaken.

>offends others
>acts as if he is better than others

Fuck you. No one wants you here faggot

>Just look at the number of nukes they have and the space race. That's no small achievement. The USSR was the second largest economy in the world.

Thats because Russians are WHITE, not because they were communist.
Even saddled with communism, whites achieve everywhere they go.
Look at Rhodesia, South Africa. Niggers have starved there for thousands of years, some uppity whites establish a country and succeed within decades. South Africans were tinkering with atom bombs while their neighbors were fighting each other with bows and arrows.

Its a white thing, not a communist thing.

1. alcoholism
2. senile boomers having power (putin is a great example)
3. corruption on all levels of levels of government, stealing people's taxes is basically the national idea
4. autocracy, a centralized government which only passes bad laws while banning everything that is good. They destroyed the Russian booming IT sphere just like that, overregulating it, then trying to take over corporations such as VK, and eventually decided to take everything by force, driving IT specialists and businessmen such as Pavel Durov to flee the country

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Only on paper. The entire nature of it meant it was a lumbering building falling over as it was being built taller.
Only chia. Figured out how to transition into modrentsry

>space race
stolen nazi scientists, just like US
brezhnev was an original putinoid who also spent shit loads of money on the military, which basically depleted social spending, hence the name of his period is "stagnation"
the economy of russia was nothing but tanks, nukes and heavy industry

>2. senile boomers having power (putin is a great example)
Putin was one of the youngest modern russian leaders to take power. If you want old and incompetent look at Yeltsin.

They've had tight control over their citizens for 100 years. Why would they change now?


Centrally planned commie government for 70 years. One example: the soviet union/russia has no semiconductor industry because the commie bureaucrats thought vacuum tubes were the way to go so all money was poured into that instead of integrated circuits. To this day Russia is one of the last places high quality vacuum tubes are still made which still have some niche applications.

Nothing new under the sun.
We won't miss you.

"Бeжaли ceдoвaтыe бaнкиpы co cвoими жeнaми, бeжaли тaлaнтливыe дeльцы, ocтaвившиe дoвepeнных пoмoщникoв в Mocквe, кoтopым былo пopyчeнo нe тepять cвязи c тeм нoвым миpoм, кoтopый нapoждaлcя в Mocкoвcкoм цapcтвe, дoмoвлaдeльцы, пoкинyвшиe дoмa вepным тaйным пpикaзчикaм, пpoмышлeнники, кyпцы, aдвoкaты, oбщecтвeнныe дeятeли. Бeжaли жypнaлиcты, мocкoвcкиe и пeтepбypгcкиe, пpoдaжныe, aлчныe, тpycливыe. Кoкoтки. Чecтныe дaмы из apиcтoкpaтичecких фaмилий. Их нeжныe дoчepи, пeтepбypгcкиe блeдныe paзвpaтницы c нaкpaшeнными кapминoвыми гyбaми. Бeжaли ceкpeтapи диpeктopoв дeпapтaмeнтoв, юныe пaccивныe пeдepacты. Бeжaли князья и aлтынники, пoэты и pocтoвщики, жaндapмы и aктpиcы импepaтopcких тeaтpoв. Bcя этa мacca, пpocaчивaяcь в щeль, дepжaлa cвoй пyть нa Гopoд."

Russians are so cucked and neurotic people its unbelieavable.

Always blaming their own problems that it is USA/NATO etc. There is always some threat even though there is no threat to Russian people.

And if you think about how much money the oligarcs have stolen from Russian people - it should make you angry. Even Putin alone has stolen at least 200 billion dollars.

Makes you think why the fuck these stupid people keep supporting their corrupted government but yeah maybe they don't know any better. I don't know.

Because everything was exported and sold abroad
But thanks to the West for shooting themselves in the foot. Now everything will stay in the country, and the country will get richer, because there is no one to sell our resources

It’s not just center all planners, it’s also just the sear amount of not caring by the daily worker, leading to thing like having 200x amount aaa grade product on paper, but in reality having 50x grade c product Becuase the works cut corners wherever they could

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Putin, based on both his policies and his demeanor, feels similar to an old conservative politician in 1970s America, but if he actually had power and sway.
Like if Pat Buchanan was president.
Feel free to call me silly but I get that aura from him.

>Putin was one of the youngest modern russian leaders to take power. If you want old and incompetent look at Yeltsin.
one ruled for 8 years and other for 20, maybe he was not as dumb before, since he managed to keep geopolitical relations steady despite raping through chechnya and georgia

Every time some Russian guy creates a new prospective corporation, he ends up arrested, raped and executed by the police. No one knows why they do it. IT business like Yandex can get away by being officially based in some western country, but business that require physical presence is basically impossible.

There's documents on the percentage growths achieved under each 5 year plan if you really want to look into it. A lot of the "shortages" were planned.

You're wrong. Germany was partially industrialized by the time of the second world war, which is why they had fascism (half capitalism, half communism). Russia just got rid of what was feudalism in all but name in the early 1900s.

Central planning did wonders for Russia.

>the economy of russia was nothing but tanks, nukes and heavy industry
Better than nothing.

i noticed that a lot of russian businesses are based in estonia and latvia, is it really that hard