Whole of western Norway was literally shaking
Biggest earth quake in 33 years
Thought it was a nuke for a while, but I just went back to sleep

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33 huh?

few hours ago? i thought a car crashed in our outside my apartment, but also went back to sleep

>literally shaking

>Thought it was a nuke for a while

>few hours ago?
Yup, lasted several seconds and got louder and louder. I was wondering if a nuke in Bergen would sound like this... then I thought maybe London? Nah, too far away....
Could see some blue sky from my bed so I just went back to sleep.

>33 huh?
In Norway, kek

I'm very stupid in the mornings.

my friend lives in the shetland islands, i just text him, he felt it, it woke him up.

I just fucking slept through it, didnt notice shit. FUCK

Nice! Rare that earthquakes can be felt over such a huge area here.

Is there a risk of tsunami or it's a japanise only thing?

Nothing to see here just a causal 5.2

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That shit doesn't happen here unless you russkis were to drop a nuke in the ocean.

Don't think it was big enough.

Most recent Japan’s earthquake was like 7.3 much larger than ops

Central Bank of Norway sells stocks (Colgate and VC) denominated in dollars.

Osprey crashes in Norway, all 4 death

Earthquake near Norway, first time in 33years

>I was working nightshift on the Magnus drilling platform situated in the North Sea when we felt the rig shake quite violently for about 5-10 seconds. Unsure what it was at the time as the weather was quite mild and sea state was relatively calm. We only d

>just a causal 5.2


this is russians sabotaging our oil platforms, but no one believes me

Hold F11



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Keep the Walters Mandler chocolate safe you bunch of fittebobles

I will use this