His roommate struck him with a hammer because he was gay

His roommate struck him with a hammer because he was gay.

Talk about clown world.

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> not dead

Clearly self-inflicted

Mean thing to do.

They couldn’t put some bondo on that crater? Lord what do doctors even do these days

why didnt he use the other end of the hammer?

just don't be gay! its not complicated.

Im sure there have been plenty of killers who were gay too so stfu, if your sexual preference is the only thing that matters about you then youre a souless npc anyways.

Did it fix him?

He is a less a bit gay now.

so it fixed him?

well he gives less head now

Well, did it cure him?

Should've shot him instead.

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Not my problem. 0PPGP

Is he still gay?

based goat fucker

I like that hoodie

Good. Kys faggot

>because he was gay.
What did he really do?Let me guess, he called his nigger roommate a nigger, didn't he?

Well, did it cure him?

>because he was gay
I hear this a lot, about beatings handed to faggots merely due to their orientation. However whenever you look into it in every case where there's an explanation it's usually due to either unwanted advances, lascivious behaviour, or something of the like.

Anyone who's ever had a gay in their circle of friends understands this very well. They will not take no for an answer until you close the sentence with a fist to the face - then they immediately run and cry victim.

>was gay
So it cured him?

Why would u be a roommate with a fag if ur not one???

based roommate

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Did it fix him?

guess he shouldnt have tried to sex his roomate
just like that girl who had sex with dogs(she lost her face)


>His roommate struck him with a hammer because he was gay.

It it because he was gay, or because he was annoying and gay?

Like was he was bringing dudes back to the flat and loudly fucking them, or leaving his door open, or coming on to his roommate, or graphically describing his dating exploits, or putting pride flags up, or joke implying to peers that he was fucking his roommate after being told it makes them uncomfortable? There's a ton of shit you can do within the context of "just being gay" that earns a hammering.

Alternatively if his roommate was Muslim and he didn't hide that shit - it's just natural selection.

Nobody gets killed for being gay. Idiots who happen to be gay get killed for being idiots.

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based, too bad he failed
