Westerners supporting Russia should be deported there

Have you shills even been to Russia?
The most embarrassing posts are from Putin sympathizers from the west
>ya you get arrested for holding up a sign in Russia but it’s WAY worse in America
>for example I literally saw a sign that said BLM at a mall and my month was ruined….
>one time they made my favorite sci fi character black like damn I would’ve preferred the arrest

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holy fuck
believing that the right to protest is a right is incredibly gay
and contributes to you amerifaggots having the weakest nation in the world.

quick example:
if pedophiles start protesting for legalisation what do?

The grass is greenest in America

Westerners supporting Ukraine should be deported there

Have you shills even been to Ukraine?
The most embarrassing posts are from Zelensky sympathizers from the west
>ya you get arrested for holding up a sign in Russia but it’s WAY worse in America
>for example I literally saw a sign that said It's Okay To Be White at a mall and my month was ruined….
>one time they made my favorite transwoman swimmer get zero claps after xe won, and I was like 'omg anti-semitism'

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shills just don't get it
no russian ever said i had white male privilege

Counter protests with guns
The government should stay out of it faggot chocolate churner

Russians are the reason privilege exists as a concept

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>Westerners supporting Russia should be deported there
ok, go for it
this is the russia wins timeline anyway

Please do user rain island is a prison that only has Paki Indian ethnic conflict on the horizon.

Kek what? They can protest until the fat bitch sings but they won’t get the legislation retard

You think we automatically give protestors their demands after a certain period of time elapses? Kek

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Turn off your internet

People in America are in prison for protesting a 3rd world style illegitimate election and walking inside their capitol building.
People in the west have been dehumanized, fined and fired because they refused to bow down to Big Pharma.
Putin has the same enemies as I.

I actually saw this argument in a thread

What a disaster of a post and ridiculous false equivalencies not even worth the deboonk because you’re too thick
Also turn off the memeflag Vlad

I'd go in a second.
But could you give me a little seed money..???
Don't want to show up to my new country as a broke nigger.

>still doesn't get it

You glowies ignored bezmenov for decades now cause you greenlit him in call of dooters you think we'll buy your shilling kekekekeke

I am a conscientious contrarian and proud.

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It's true and you know it.

Check out neck beard over here

Westerners demanding nato interventions should be forced to fight for ukraine