Don't hate the Left

Daily reminder that most leftwingers are just normal good natured people who have been brainwashed to hate you and celebrate degeneracy by globalist psychopaths. They think you are evil nazis coming to ruin their lives and put their family in gas chambers, thats how youve been portrayed and thats how you sound when you post rage in response to bait online, thats exactly how globohomo wants to paint you. In cultural marxism national and european pride is equivalent to satan worship and this is how you have been stereotyped to these otherwise neighbourly and good hearted people. Don't hate the person, hate the mind virus destroying them and you both

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nice blog faggot

dont care
they and you are going to shit anyways
4th industrial revolution my nigga u ready?

Thanks, i'll post more if you're keen. Interested in being a follower?

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Is she ok?

I don't hate them but if they haven't gotten a clue yet I hope the vax does kill them sooner rather than later because the are too stupid to not destroy everything.

I will continue to hate them, they embrace an ideology that wants me to be a slave in order to subsidize their addictions.

Didn’t read, left wingers will hang

And wtf am I supposed to do with them

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I'm not even on the left right axis

The opposite of rage posting is seethe posting.

For instance this post right here that I have written is a seethe post because you correctly identified my habit of rage posting about how much I hate.

I am confident my hatred is justified. If it is not, so be it.

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>leftwingers are just normal good natured people
So are pedophiles. Who are leftists.

>They think you are evil nazis coming to ruin their lives and put their family in gas chambers

good. its what their dumbfuck families deserve who probably brain washed them to be retarded in the first place


No they are power hungry sociopaths. Uncle Ted wrote about their weakness manifesting in a bizarre will to power to dominate others due to their percieved inferiority complex.
That is all I've ever seen from the left. Psychopathic adherance to their religion. I'd even go as far to say their "kindness" and "good nature" are socially conditioned behaviors that aren't actually internal motivations but external sociological pressures. They are plebs, they are weak, they are power mad in their desire for others to conform to their ideas to hide their weakness from otherness of people who are not.

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Naive and dogmatic useful idiots are still a threat to anybody outside their herd. It's either us or them who will be put down.

Hate those fucks...

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>good natured

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based aqua
Also someone debate me

Such bullshit.
>don’t hate the player, hate the game
I’ll try and remember that tolerance when hordes or trannyniggers are burning down my town; after I shoot a few, in Minecraft, I’ll likely be tried in a court run by even more troons/faggots. I’ll try and remember that it’s jut a mindz vyruss, maaaan, especially when I’m thrown I the back of an Amazon Prison truck and taken to a detention center where some sickly jewish warden has a cell ready for me, Tyrone is my new roommate.
>globohomo will paint you as a nazi
So? Haven’t you learned that the left wins because they Want it more than the right? Retard conservatives try and stand on a pedestal, thinking that moral superiority is going to win the day, not realizing they’re wrong until they hear the pistol click behind their heads. The left will cheat, lie, steal, deceive, subvert, and do whatever else they have to in order to win; trying to make peace just makes it easier. Fuck that.

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>good hearted people
Ah yes, my good hearted neighbour who believes I should be in a camp for not taking a dodgy gene therapy and for not wanting pedo trannies to teach children. What a guy.