Real National Socialists stand against Azog!

Real National Socialist stand with Russia in their liberation of Ukraine from Globohomo! Join the Fight!

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Hitler killed slavs for a reason

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Oh great the NSC Jewtin Shills are back again

nobody wants to join your homosex circle jerk club.
Death to the Northern Barbarians.

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sage, no thanks

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Amen, blessed Putler!

Whites against whites to entertain zog. Real problem is jewry which are the ones provacating all this orthodox Christians are one of many examples of jewry

Fuck both sides fuck brother wars

This is a chance to deal a crippling blow to the Globohomo empire, what don't you understand about that. That's the whole point of this. I would gladly die in this fight against the West. Russia never had a drag-queen story hour. Do you not understand?

>Real National Socialist stand with Russia
The Nazis thought that Eastern Europe, namely the areas whose inhabitants speak Slavic languages, was racially the lowest part of Europe, and very distinct from the rest of Europe.
Real NatSoc wants to see both Russia and Ukraine kill each other, you 56% human

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You are a delusional 1 dimensional retard

lol pathetic

I can vibe with that. A comedy show for the world to see.


Yeah and Russia would throw you in jail for even uttering the 14

what's wrong with that, we have telegram too


Polish and Hungarian nationalists against Azog!

if russia was bad then the west would not be attacking it.

>Polish and Hungarian Nationalists
>Amerimutt Flag
lmao fuck off mutt


Fuck this shill thread

>Real NatSoc wants to see both Russia and Ukraine kill each other, you 56% human

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Wanna fight globohomo? Fucking talk with your friends, family and co-workers.

Menj e fenebe, skurwielem!

Is this real or fake and gay?

that hasn't gotten us very far.

Real, these faggots have made Jewtin shill threads on here prior. They're annoying faggots

This is not going to result in a crippling blow against globohomo and I am not willingly to sacrifice millions of White lives in order to gamble for such an opportunity. The jewish oligarchs in both the west and the east are the only ones who really benefit from this conflict. They fund both sides and play a long con hoping Whites weaken and destroy each other. I am not going to play that game. I am against proxy wars for jewish interests I am against proxy wars in general. I have held this position for decade. I am not going to compromise on my position now and delude myself into thinking that this proxy war will cripple the west. If anything if has greater chance of weakening the east. Every proxy was backfired. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan is an excellent example of this. This is absolute brain dead bullshit to support either side when jews control both sides. I would be pro revolution in our own homelands to remove these jewish parasites who are sending White men to their deaths. That is war that must be waged. You would be satisfied with jewish control as long as the kikes boiled frog slowly. I am against the frog being boiled. The only ones being destroyed are a generation of White Europeans being sent off to die in a frozen shithole. Both governments are globohomo you fucking retard the only opposition to this must come from the people and not at the expense of killing each other for them. How does globohomo really lose? They lose some money that they can just print off? Tell me how does globohomo lose the only people losing are the White men and women being slaughtered by each other. Fuck both sides fuck brotherwars

I hate the Jewish leaders of Russia and I hate the Jewish leaders of Ukraine.

I'm not reading all of that. tl;dr?

Idk i don't see this on telegram from them.

They probably know there are too many Ukranians and other Europeans on telegran who would hate them for this dumb shit. So i figure they come on here to appeal more to retarded americans


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Hey guys, did someone say pee on the face of dead russians?

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it is azov, kys

A real Christian NS person would never do something like this to a dead body.

Of course we do, why even broadcast it? >Those in the know are with us, those who are clueless can't be taught.

i think it might be some gayop to cause infighting and disinfo.