What ultimately caused the decline of alt right influence on internet culture...

What ultimately caused the decline of alt right influence on internet culture? Between 2015 or so to about 2017 or maybe 18 at the absolute latest, it seemed like the right dominated the internet. Everyone was calling the left out on their hypocrisy and bullshit, Trump got elected, Brexit happened, and Twitter and Youtube was full of neo-nazis and far-right types trolling celebrities, making content of their own, shit about gamergate and SJWs, Richard Spencer and Milo Yinopolus and Andrew Anglin, ect. Then 2017 happened, whether it be the Unite the Right disaster that happened in August that year in Charlottesville or people just getting sick of the culture war shit, probably a combination of both. But that was when the left began taking over social media and many on the right either switched sides or went away altogether as leftism on the internet circa 2016 would have gotten you branded an SJW beta cuck libtard and laughed out of the room.
I know social media does more censorship now as opposed to back then, but the alt-right phase of internet history (outside Any Forums) really does feel like a fever dream now.

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It's greater than it's ever been

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I know social media does more censorship now as opposed to back then
Censorship killed a lot of the momentum the movement had. I’m not blaming the whole thing on censorship, but it took a major hit because of it. So many great YouTube channels got removed.

It's declined has it? Well I never!

It didn’t decline they just started banning anyone who is for it cause they are afraid

Yeah, alot of videos related to the subject that I watched back then are long gone. Mainstream news platforms dominate the search results now. It's almost like they don't want you to see certain things from an opposing perspective. Or maybe they're just trying to combat the spread of "false information."
Either way, it feels like a vastly different landscape now. Alot of the original far right types from ~2016 moved to alternative social media platforms like Gab and Bitchute but last I checked there's alot of whackjobs there since nobody else accepts them. I don't know how those sites are now.

People realised >da joos wasnt a viable worldview

>What ultimately caused the decline of alt right influence on internet culture?
When it became mainstream.

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Literally non-stop propoganda and censorship for 5 years straight.

Don't be fooled, the right still controls the culture. The left is reacting to the right. Their new technique is "pre-bunking" data that comes out of here, incercepting narratives on right-wing platforms before they can take root elsewhere.

Stop pretending Jewish influence is irrelevant to the situation we're currently in.

Nick Fuentes and Charlie Kirk turning it from proud boys cool to turning point cringe. They used proud boys platform to start spreading childish faggot shit

literally just censorship. censorship works. now most rightoids hate free speech just as much as leftoids do, so don't feel to bad. it's all a shitshow of subhuman scum fighting for power. ron paul was the only hope but you didn't believe in him. only darkness remains.

Gee, I dunno, maybe it was all of the censorship and deplatforming?

can I get one of dem wethers originals fren?

OP is a faggot that doesn't understand controlled opposition, big tech censorship, or formating.

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It was all staged and astroturfed by people who are really on the same side. It was never organic.

Big Tech censorship? How have you not noticed it.

NEET Special Forces were formed in 2018. Our operations have been successful reducing incel activity


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Mass shadow banning, the removal of sites that didn’t comply (RIP infinitychan), disabling comments on shill pieces from the MSM, and ((they)) spend insane amounts of money on shills to post their AstroTurf views everywhere. Small armies of left wing mods whose sole purpose is to remove wrongthink. Add in the increasing destruction of online anonymity and the growing chance of what you say online coming back to bite you IRL making people think twice about posting real views.

The Wild West internet were the glory days, and they’re pretty much gone forever at this point. You will have nothing and you will be happy.

The alt-right figured out, correctly, that outrage fuels modern social media, drives engagement, makes you visible when you otherwise wouldn't be. What they figured wrong was that they could keep being outrageous annoying assholes forever and it wouldn't eventually lead to pushback.

leaned too hard into the HOIL HITLER YASSS side of things. these retards will always be pathetic failures.

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My favorite anecdote about nazis in America is how the first, the German-American Bund, were such fucking losers that even the actual Nazis in Germany refused to associate with them.

Yeah gavin mcinnes getting shut down, proud boys became a fed honeypot after he was forced to disavow them, Alex Jones even, fucker got me fired up, milos book got cancelled, charlottesburg, though I didn’t know a single one of the groups or people in the vice documentary, tucker embarrassing Shapiro interview, trump getting censored, Lauren southern and moly meme being treated like international terrorists…

But the influence is still there it’s just been aged in American oak barrels so now it comes out a lot smoother… it’s a lot more mature too, there’s a lot more scrutiny of Jews now and they’re a lot more defensive than they used to be, so they’re streisand-effecting themselves as if by Any Forums telekinesis, precious metals ending the fed, crypto mainstreaming, heck even shitbulls, bunch of YouTube channels are on team Any Forums: Russel Brand, Tucker Carlson, we got Rogan Podcast, Tim Pool will never admit it but he’s on team reason as well; Awaken with JP, list goes on

It became a victim of its own popularity in two major ways; it pretty much got censored aggressively everywhere with China tier scrutiny, and it attracted boomers.

So, you get into 2017 and you have the grand disillusionment of Trump
>Trump doesn't really do anything
>Bombs a few Arabs in Syria
>Pretty much cucks out constantly
>Puts fucking Bolton in the cabinet
I can go on, it's very similar to what happened with Brexit. It was a weird situation of the dog catching the car.
>Nigel gets the referendum passed
>Immediately resigns because he has no idea what to actually do then

Anyway, so now you have boomers on the Trump wagon - the guy who cucked out on everything, got his most rabid supporters shot at, abandoned them, and sells ad space and begs for gibs, and pretty much anyone with any common sense stays away from the shitshow or is there to purely profiteer. Otherwise, you'll be censored, and destroyed economically.

Because Trump did absolutely nothing to separate big tech from politics during his tenure.

The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".

The alt-right introduced obnoxious, middle-aged white women to Any Forums memes and if that's not a reason to hate the alt-right I don't know what is.

Yup, but that's half the demographic for political ideology. The right to vote for women to vote was a grave mistake.

trump being a cuck ruined it