Hypersonic missiles

What are we supposed to do about them?

Attached: x-51a_waverider.jpg (744x419, 23.71K)

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I dunno


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Shoot them at US warships

Nothing. Good luck intercepting something faster than a bullet.

just stay cool

Wenn es nach den pol negern geht, existieren keine Raketen, warum auchhhhh immer

Adapt, imitate, escalate, surrender, or remove the reasons for their effective use.


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They supposedly bypass any current air defence of any kind

This is why USN has rail guns and lasers already.

Hypersonic anti-missiles?

Ultrahypersonic freedom counter missiles

Cry about it on Twitter.

Attached: 76.jpg (555x313, 27.23K)

fard and shid in our pants :DD

Why can't amerimutts into hypersonic missiles? Aren't they white enough for this advanced technology?

nuke israel and you don't have to worry about anything ever again

we need hyperknuckles

I guess we could just get a lab with some white scientists and make our own in like a few days, or we could hire another thousand fat black women to sit around in labcoats pretending to work until the CIA can steal one. What are you guys in the mood for?

this I guess

1 carrier costs the same as 2000 HS missiles

Ride em cowboy!

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Nothing. These missiles render our navy completely obsolete.

What target in Ukraine is actually worth the price tag?

drop them on africa and pay per view it for whitey and the chinks. it's a bonding experience for the new century.

Well the one in your pic doesn't work.

are you also counting the cost of all of the aircraft it carries? The actual ratio must like 15000 to 1.

Just embrace your new hypersonic overlords.
Also, you can try and throw all eastern euros at them as a meatshield, hoping that all are wasted on them.

I don't think there is a single ship actually fitted with a rail gun. They're pretty much useless. They blow themselves to shit after a handful of shots, and the amount of power needed to run one is absolutely insane, considering you can just put 10 missiles on the ship for a fraction of the price, and the same amount of boom.

They go faster than the speed of light

They do.

pretty sure all the niggers in it already rendered it useless, champ

>What are we supposed to do about them?
Nothing. Like Hitler bragging about his V1 and V2 rockets they serve no practical purpose in this war. Russia would have been far better off developing drone and cheaper guided ordinance technology.


Stay out of foreign entanglements.

They are one reason no major player wants to get involved.

Flying fireballs are really sensitive to heat.

Underrated and only answer

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>tongue piercing


Make peace with the Russians. Call this a blessing in disguise, because it's absolutely critical that we do so. The modern Russian state is a a huge, fragile, outdated shield against the rising chink menace, which people underrate because HISTORICALLY they've stayed within their geographic boundaries. If we weaken russia at all, China is in a position to steal a lot of territory.

No. Russia having thousands of nukes does that. This missle platform is irrelevant.

No, thats ultrasonic or megasonic missiles.

what planet are you living on? both china and russia hold nukes...so unless the bugs want nuke fire, they won't be taking shit

Use Hyper Hyper weapons

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They are a meme. But if you are that worried about them then just build important things underground.

adapt or die

best bet would be lasers? but even then you need software to track something that goes 20 times the speed of sound
i dont think we'll ever see it soon
other than that, force fields lmao
