Is it worth it to finish Atlas Shrughed? I am at the part where they just finished the first run of the John Galt Line...

Is it worth it to finish Atlas Shrughed? I am at the part where they just finished the first run of the John Galt Line. It's strange to me that it took Rand so many pages to explain ideas that seems common sense to me.

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That book filtered me hard. Tried three times can only make it 120 pages in. And I've read/enjoyed Ulysses and War & Peace. Really awful writing is my kryptonite.

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Bros I can't get through Revolt Against the Modern World it's too dense

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>Rand so many pages to explain ideas that seems common sense to me.
because both of you are retarded. go suck Elons cock, mongoloid.

It sucks because it feels like there is a good story to be told. So far the train ride has been my favorite part.

Just picturing all the beat down people coming out lining up along the tracks to feel hope once again was a pretty cool image.

Ugh its not worth it. Not even the fucking money speech is worth it. It's literally 5x longer than it would be.

Don't read jewish libertarian trash.

((( ayn rand )))

The Fountainhead is better. Read that instead.


Think a sec bro

Nah. I just want to use my time. I'm close to 40 trying to actually learn some shit. I need to use my time wisely. Do I sit through Ayn Rand? Or do I use this time to read the history of western philosophy? I think the latter, I'm looking for the most bang for my buck and Atlas Shrugged isn't it.

yes. lazy commie

>Ayn Rand
Not only a Jewess, but also an unironic tsarist glowie from a family of glowies.

Russian literature is way too slow of a read. I got through, but man was it a pain.

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I rather enjoyed The Fountainhead but could never make it through AS. Once you figure out Rand's shtick (Objectivism), it gets tedious.

>Do I sit through Ayn Rand?
no. it's fiction. if it's not entertaining you then put it down. the real world is NOTHING like she writes., and its applicable to NOTHING. if you are interested in economy rea Marx, Locke, Adam smith.

So you are like 1/3rd of the way lol. It gets worse at better soon after that but then stuff happens and it kinda becomes a drag after the the last 1/3 or something.

I only care about the fountainhead movie when it comes to anything ayn rand. Most of her work is garbage.

We, The Living is pretty good. Her first novel, short and its semi-autobiographical describing life in Russia.

Common sense to you is the dark side of the moon to half the population.

That's because it loses a lot in translation. Russian is unironically have one of the best languages for expression emotions that we don't have words for in English. A lot of their history has been depressing as fuck, and because of that, they have a lot idioms and concepts that just don't translate well.