British Home Secretary does not want to accept Ukrainian refugees

British Home Secretary Priti Patel has warned of taking female Ukrainian refugees, accusing Russian dictator Vladimir Putin of sending terrorists to the United Kingdom: "Putin may use this situation to destabilise our country", Patel told the Daily Mail. "We won't have visa rules lifted for Ukrainian refugees", she added.

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shes right but not in the way that the dailymail words it

all "ukrainian women" worth shit, have ran off from that dump ages ago, either to the West or to Russia

the "refugees" that are coming right now, are literal niggers and sandniggers who bought a Ukrainian passport

good. keep those filthy whites out of asian nations

based, england deserves sand niggers more than europeans, after all they fought and killed hitler because he was against it

>no we can't take in thousands of extremely redpilled whites

Covid is real and has resulted in worldwide travel restrictions. This statement by globohomo leader #346B. Explain yourself bongs.

>bitches running away from a shithole they ruined are "redpilled"
alright polish nigger

That sucks...just when the British finally have the chance of balancing their population of ugly poo and paki goblinas
It's almost as if God hates them

>accusing Russian dictator Vladimir Putin of sending terrorists to the United Kingdom
i don't even like ukrainians but i'm sent

once again Any Forums is wrong

it was shitalians who rammed into the crowd in Belgium

turns out it was a family feud

They can come here.

Britain is better off with culturally closer immigrants from Pakistan or the Caribbean.


Good. the UK needs to be mongrelized into oblivion. 1000 years of british oppression of other nations of the world finally ended.

Indians have a specific slant toward Russians. It's up to modern humor to explain what that might be.

>after all they fought and killed hitler because he was against it
hitler was allied with the muslim world you retard

oh fuck man how the hell the uk could be such disoriented place .
you are living in an upside down world

Blacks as usual

don't worry you wouldn't get too much of them one way or the other.

Also 1,1 billion Pakis and Jamals are waiting in line to be dropped into your urban areas already.

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the french and anglos were the first to bring non europeans to europe, hitler was friendly with non europeans but never brought them to europe, nigger


People in Donetsk and Luhansk aren't fleeing at all, they're being liberated and are happy as clams. I figure most ethnic russian ukies are celebrating after 8 years of war against them by a bunch of jews in Kiev (yeah I said it, Kiev)


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ok i will explain it
>the white ones are already in Germany and Poland
the rest are the sand /poo/nigers niggers

it's a bad deal and we don't want this shit

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Brits are racist towards everyone.

is that a pic of the new home secretary?

>all the bongs in the comments section agreeing
Only commonwealth migrants only!

>The comments below have been moderated in advance
>hur dur bongs
lmao retard

well this would be a good idea if it were not for the fact that we will take 1 trillion pakis and niggers instead. we shouldnt have slavniggers or shitskins.

>Indians have a specific slant toward Russians. It's up to modern humor to explain what that might be.
India was allied with the USSR, because the USA decided to support Pakistan during the Cold War.

>UK wasn't the first choice of the whites
kekked hard. Canada is getting lots of Ukrainians too. I guess UK really is the shithole of the world.

Anyway, take off that gay little mudhut memeflag. I've seen you in like 10 threads today and you've shat every single one of them up with your bad takes.

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god damn

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