How can we get americans to lose weight?

How can we get americans to lose weight?
if we are to become a carbon neutral globalist one world goverment society then we must get americans to eat more sustainably. I suggest to start with banning sugar and high fructose corn syrup from every single food.

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>How can we get americans to lose weight?
We don't. Let the fuckers die from diabeetus and CVD.


omfg. the absolute state of amerikwa holy shit
>turns out pol is an accurate representation of the median amerifaggot

>Euroseethe thread
>Posts a bong

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>How can we get americans to lose weight?
We don't have the same food regulations like in the EU and in most first-world countries. Honestly though, I want the useless Americans to die, and the healthy white ones to take back control.

>if we are to become a carbon neutral globalist one world goverment society

FUCK YOU, you are the root of all the problems of the planet!!!

Also the real problem are the use of syntetic ingredients instead of natural ones corn syrup and glutamate monosodic are fatening ingredients.

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how to achieve this body type ?

Every time

increased taxes

Sugar doesn't make you fat, seed oils do. You are an idiot

>how to achieve this body type ?
It's simple, eat lots of microwaved foods/ plastic, eat lots of onions, drink sugar drinks, and never exercise. Lots of porn too, so you can drop all of your testosterone down the drain.

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Don’t ban things. Maybe we should have a secretary of health that’s a natty body builder like Connor Murphy instead of some fat trans lady.

This girl is british, she deleted her account but she was regularly posted on /fph/.

im intrigued, explain please

Yes, ban all plastics in foods so we can be healthy like Europe. Fuck McDonald's.

I only eat meat.

And water. That's it! And I NEVER cheat!

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No. Increase it.

Kill them all through obesity. No carbon footprint if they're dead.

pepsi already has a fuckload of sugar in it.
why would you want more?


why the fuck would you put more sugar into soda?

No, you can't do that, we have to help your culture integrate with Africa. You aren't racist are you?

Pray tell what happens to high glycemic-index foods that don't immediately get used for energy in your body ?

That's a fucking coke can not pepsi

>not even a full can
>didn't even stir
>only 4 scoops

This shit was done solely for attention.

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We start shipping golden tickets in all major chocolate bar brands with the grand prize of a trip to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, but it's actually a dog food processing plant and there are two guys with big wooden clubs waiting at the door for them.

This is a joke but imagining the taste is unpleasant.

wut's ur problem wit onions bruv ?

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Seconding this what is the Jew bloat

the most disgusting thing is that xir doesn't even stir the sugar into the pepsi

>the real problem are the use of sytetic ingredients instead of natural ones
There is no such thing as a natural vs synthetic paradigm. It doesn't exist.
All things that are produced by nature are synthesized by what is found in nature.
All things synthetic were created with ingredients found in nature and by life forms that arose from nature.
Artificiality is just a mental construct.
Eat things that are good for you. Do not eat things that are bad for you. It's that simple.
What do you care if your drug was constructed from crude oil or constructed from sugar, when in both cases the end chemical structure is 100% identical?
What do you care if your drug was sucked from a plant that arose serendipitously from this red earth, or dripped from a fungal alien that hitched a ride here on a comet a billion years ago running from its own dying star?
You can have a conversation with a human being or you can have a chat with a DMT demon, what does it matter, when both are going to call you a nigger?

Don't let this world catch you lackin, user.

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>I have 5
>Puts 4
Is she retarded?

she's a woman, so yes

Maybe she decided to start losing weight.

Those eyes have no soul

It’s not even that hard. I gave up junk food cold turkey because I didn’t like how i looked becoming chunky. I will never understand how people can accept becoming fat.

She missed the 4 due to fat fingers