What was the exact moment the US started collapsing?

What was the exact moment the US started collapsing?

Attached: Pres-Jacqueline-Kennedy-president-John-F-Dallas-November-22-1963.jpg (1600x1281, 475.11K)


Probably late 2100s is when it will start.

When Lincoln enslaved white to fight for niggers freedom

1913. Federal reserve


4th of July 1776

The cold blooded killing of Harambe

1789 with the ratification of the (((constitution)))



Attached: Into_the_Jaws_of_Death_23-0455M_edit.jpg (1200x966, 211.81K)

When they decided to attack Serbia

Attached: 1591968224482.png (579x585, 402.78K)

About half an hour after your pic related.

Thats when the Fed and the rogue "intelligence community" went for the jugular and made it clear who will rule from here on out.

It was destined to fail from the get-go due to negative natural selection. The outcasts of Europe could never create anything greater than what they fled from.

When they swore that pervert Johnson into office.

The start of the first Civil War. Its been ran by Globalhomo ever since with fiat currency

Before it started

critical points of collapse
Regan grants amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants
Bush starts H1B visa program
Clinton signs free trade with china
Bush jr-Obama bail out banks
Trump basically did nothing

>In a person with histrionic personality disorder, self-esteem depends on the approval of others. People with this disorder have an overwhelming desire to be noticed, and often behave dramatically or inappropriately to get attention.


When you gave women rights and infected the world with it.