Why do you guys love to complain and blame the President about gas prices?

Be a normal person. Get a normal hobby. Move out of your town.

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>why are you guys blaming the retard responsible for this catastrophe?

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Kill yourself

Stop complaining about other people complaining, kike

>Move out of your town.
how many times?
just keep moving?
are u a fucking gypsy

>no hobbies consume gas
mutt brain at work i guess

>Be normal
"Normal" is no longer the path of the same man.
Kill yourself immediately

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And how does he keep wandering? Certainly wouldn't be driving by car or going by bus, that's for sure.

Guess my Haitian gf must be a small town hick then.

Why don’t you stop complaining about other people complaining about other people complaining kike

>INB4 You complain about me complaining about you complaining about others complaining about Others complaining

Checkmate whiner

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Here have some more normal

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>move out of youre hometown

This is so fucking degenerate. Whoever made this meme is projecting their lack of community culture and security onto those that do. Drinking lattes in some fag cafe surrounded by millions of other fags isnt a hobby. Fucking freaks

Because his actions directly led to ludicrous gas prices. This is bidens war on the poor.

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Chart already debunked. Get better material

>leave your town, don't want to be a loser who stays with one community right?
>abandon your family, go spread your wings
>let the refugees move into your childhood town, after all, you left and don't want to work the jobs there right?
>who cares about the fate of your town, clearly you didn't

>now you're old in your new town you settled in
>your kids have left you
>new generation of brown people moving in
>you're alone
>you're abandoned

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What if my home town is a major us city?

>Move out of your town.
Get fucked. This is my home. I was born here and I will die here, you will not drive me out with your transfaggotry.

Everyone should be MODERN and move to CITIES to drive up RENT PRICES until these RETARDS end up HOMELESS and DIE of a FENTANYL OVERDOSE.

>be a normal person
But I AM white!

Then you should unironically move. I left new orleans at 18 to live in a smaller town of 20k and its been alot nicer. Lots of national forests around for outdoor activities and its alot quieter here. Only downside is no girls.

i love the fact that that meme has no effort put into it, it makes it better.


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Why are you so personally wounded by criticism of a senile pedophile? Why do you feel the need to make these trash memes to cope?

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i dont understand why do people see staying in your hometown as bad? I love my hometown.

White isn't normal anymore.

I'm old enough to remember when everything was the presidents fault.
Any other anons remember 2016-2020?

the types of guys in this meme typically have lots of hobbies, though.
Hunting, fishing, shooting, etc. Not sure where this meme that MAGA rednecks don't have hobbies comes from