The fuck is the Great Reset being Wikipedia contexted on YouTube?

The fuck is the Great Reset being Wikipedia contexted on YouTube?

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Because the only people who keep bitching about it are burnt out druggie schizos like Russel Brand. It's nothing more than a bunch of NGOs blabbering bullshit ap per usual, much like PETA.

kek, don't do DMT/LSD/Acid for decades straight kids.

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glowie fag

So basically what you're saying is that you're retarded and would like others to follow in your footsteps?

Because retard Conspiracy theorists can't process information like adults.

I'm surprised he flew close enough to the sun to start getting fact checked. He might be on to something

that nigger will take on any ideology, say anything to make a dime

literally the same fucking thing you retard

He's actually consistent with his insane ramblings.

Oh wow, yet another braindead druggie. Sad!
Nope. What I'm saying is that the "Great Reset" is a big nothingburger and you're teetering on the brink of schizophrenia to come to the conclusion that this is some inordinately sized conspiracy by rich folks to force us into communism.

Simply put, you're a headcase in need of therapy.

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They are just spreading the truth! They don’t want you to fall for misinformation !!!

Honk honk!

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Because that wikipedia article is a load of shit and propaganda that they wrote and they now want you to read it.

Because they want to fool you into thinking it's a "conspiracy theory" and should not be investigated further.

They use to deny it was even a remotely real thing. All across the board.

>The great reset isn't real, incel!
>two years later
>The great reset is the gathering of leaders to rebuild society and the economy

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Stop skipping question words, you dumb wannabe nigger.

True only PETA has more sway than WEF does. This meme is trash, worse than the Soros or Epstein memes

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>politicians all have kike schwab's kike book
>politicians say we need 'a reset'
>kike schwab admits he's penetrated more than half the cabinets of Canada, France, and other large Nations
>You'll own nothing, have no privacy, and never been happier Goy
>Claiming we have schizophrenia, when kikes are the most likely to have serious mental diseases/illness like that
Holy shit, you kike shills are utterly pathetic.

>Conspiracy theorists
The niggers have said exactly what they want to do, publicly, in great detail, at length for a fucking dozen years you braindead idiot. Not being onboard with a bunch of micromanaging technocrats who want to turn humanity in to a fucking ant colony doesn't make you crazy

one of the biggest things I don't get about conspiracy retards is the obsession that the puppet masters are saying their exact plans for the world out loud in public. why would jews/nwo/government do that? what do they have to gain by giving everyone a warning about their plans?

>the "Great Reset" is a big nothingburger
it's white genocide.

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Normies won't even remember 6 months ago when that little box under the video declared The Great Reset a conspiracy theory.

>convened by Charles
No need for surname?

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