George Soros is the primeval NWO Archlizard

>George Soros is the primeval NWO Archlizard
>no wait, actually it's Bill Gates
>no wait, actually it's this guy
Does the chairmanship of the High Lizard Council rotate like once a week? I mean, it must, otherwise you guys wouldn't be replacing your main fotw tinfoil-hat hate-figure so frequently.
I wonder who's next. Macaulay Culkin?

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They all attend Bilderberg.

what part about plutocracy and Synagogue of Satan do you not understand?
all fields

It's a cabal of 10 people 4 at the top gates is just the science officer
Jacob Rothschild Henry Kissinger Schwab soros and some Russian guy whose name I can ever remember

We were accidentally right, again.

>n-no they're all in charge!!!

The Esau roulette

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no, retards dont realize that there are 100 people like klaus trying to pull their own strings behind the scenes. people only know about klaus because he's a boomer retard that puts his plan out in full every year on the internet hoping that more people will join up with his team.

klaus is basically just a liberal global superPAC, nothing more. it's just that politically naive retards grasp on to one boogeyman because it's easier to understand for them than reality. look how hitler used the talmud to great effect to woo the german population to nazism.

they are still human, as much as they lie to themselves to elevate them above such.

Deep down, they likely still plot against each other- but have too many dead-man switches running to actually do something, so they're forced to cooperate.
It's literally what demons are said to do as well.

Is this a fucking avengers movie or something? I don't believe any of these are the 'archlizard', these are faces we are meant to be seeing, those pulling the strings will remain hidden for now. Normies need a target to direct their anger at, Mr Anal Schwab already look like a supervillian. I don't think you guys stand much of a chance, sorry.


Kike detected. Jews conspire for control. Your head belongs on a pike, you dirty lying kike.

>we don't know exactly who is in charge of the conspiracy
>therefore there is no conspiracy

Its the same lizard, he just changes skin suits.

the thread should had ended right here

It's hard to know who's jewing who anymore. I'm working on a post with links and such that gathers the best of us together so we can try get to the bottom of it.

Basically we have the Babylonian money magic cult and the theosophical 'new age' lucis trust cult in power.
These 2 cults seem contradictory to one another but they appear to work together.

Both are freemasonic. One represents the dark squares of the masonic pavement and the other represents the light.

Freemasonry is the link and Lucifer is their god.

I could talk about this for hours that's why I'm going to format a post I can thread.

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>they are still human

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>Some of the powerful people are opportunists and destructive to society.

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>Freemasonry is the link
But it goes higher. It involves jesuits and satan and rabbinical talmudism and kabbalism etc

a far right conspiracy theory just flew over my house

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It involves nimrod, osiris, Christ, Buddha, maitraya etc

>Be smart
>Get in the spotlight

Pick one
The select few who actually run this world are definitely not attracting attention to themselves.

The people who get time on stage are just some attention whores.

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There is no chairman, there are many figures with extremely influential positions they’ve been given or have cultivated for themselves. I don’t think they sit around in dark rooms saying “how are we going to turn these goyim into cattle today?” I think their goals seem noble to themselves. They want to make global society a static, easily steerable thing just like they do with their companies. To do this they need to integrate currencies, make as many gov’ts share the same systems as possible, and control the population as much as they can. I’m sure of the leaders of the world, visible to the public are not, are evil. But most of them seem to think they are doing good by the world. Problem being they are godless humanists who think they know what’s best for the whole fucking planet. They dehumanize us and deculture us, because what makes us unique is what makes us hard to control.