Why are we losing so many men to videogames?

Why are we losing so many men to videogames?

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Seething roastgroid

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Because vidya are easier and less of cunt to put up with. Even the fatties expect to be put on pedestal.

We're losing a whole generation of young men to Gameboy Tetris?

Why are so many men losing to videogames?

With the current gpu prices I doubt it.

you have to understand the intent of this message. Its not about providing men with better alternatives to videogames. Its about men not slaving away for them

the absolute state of that recommended

>live life
>life; suffering
>play vidya
>vidya; fun
>very complex stuff

Would you like me to execute justice instead?
No? Then stop subverting my vidya.
>you will save the princess and watch her kiss a nigger (shadow of war)
Ill make you pay.

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Because you can win video games

But life is about how much of yourself you are willing to compromise to get what you want

>turn the rules against men
>make white men the most hated people
>”why are men escaping reality?!”

Hmm, what to choose, video games or trannies, faggots, sjws, antifa, spics, niggers, & feminists, it's a real competition.

Your kid has 50% subhuman DNA in it (womens hypergamy ensures the man is at least 2 stad\ndard deviations better than the cunt).

Only artificial wombs and 100% clones, gene eddited to remove cancer genes and other bad genes is based.

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Women are pursuing careers and sexual promiscuity instead of getting married and starting families.
Without a wife and children, men have no purpose to care about anything.

Becose the alternative looks bleak!

>Drifted away from most of my friends
>Can't afford to do fun shit and go on holidays all the time (this is a big factor, trust me there's things I'd rather be doing)
>Videogames are extremely fun, cheap and immersive, require no physical effort
>When I go out drinking or play sport there is a % chance of humiliation, anger or regret. Gaming is essentially free dopamine with zero risk outside of maybe having a frustrating boss fight or something.
>No social interaction, escapist element

>Because you can win in video games
this should be a nationwide motto

should add to this I have lost all interest in dating for many reasons that have already been covered here. When I had a gf for 3 years I barely played games but now I see absolutely no reason not to. And when I was with her I used to wish she would fuck off so I could go on my PC half the time anyway, it's not even cope.

>Its about men not slaving away for them
This. They dont actually want to save men. Theyre worried about MGTOW and NEETs not paying taxes or getting divorce raped anymore.

Become a doctor? You pay 51% taxes, then 21% VAT, then regional and car and house taxes.
Trade crypto and live in your parents basement? You pay 1,2% taxes and nothing else.
Gee,I wonder why so many men have become NEETs instead of competing against quota hired roasties and niggers.

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You want a better alternative? How about picking up an extra shift to support some woman's three kids? Fucking chud.

>men have no purpose to care about anything.
To that I say thwarting everything jews do and want is a great purpose.

Because the alternative sucks.
Why do something you hate and suffer rather than somewhat enjoy.

I see what you're up to, Op

Embrace the metaverse

Elden ring is literal digital crack , I honestly can’t stop playing it , most games I get bored after a few hours until I fancy playing them again this I started after work at 4 and I played it non stop until 5 am when I could barely keep my eyes open, fell asleep, woke up and started playing the fucking thing right away, It’s so good can’t wait to get back on it later , be warned!! Just say no kids

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when theres no women available to fuck men do not feel the urge to succeed so they become an incel and play games

always this pic where her hairline isn't visible..



Because there is better looking aliens?

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The very idea that I might be able to game less once I manage to trick some poor girl into marriage makes me sick. Say bye bye to any social life and hobby once the kids are born.

I still have a gf, she bought me the ps5, what a legend