What's the deal with the EXTREME amount of increasing posts from people with this flag and how come they all write and...

What's the deal with the EXTREME amount of increasing posts from people with this flag and how come they all write and talk like they are paid propaganda shills?
It used to be a rarity seeing this flag but now every other poster is having this flag.

Attached: FInflad.png (800x489, 1.04K)

Your mom was rarity, she has a dick

66% sven
tik tok sven, tik tok

You know why


Because only truths defined by the politicians are allowed.

sukka min kukka kusin :DDD

It's the eternal Finn, whenever there is a conflict they will gather like rats to subvert

Attached: around finns.png (840x1053, 113.7K)

they deploy shills frequently

god I hate finfags

such cucked losers

We all know SHEMALE HITLER is located in sweden and he is pushing nations against each other.

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oh god they're here


Don't be like that

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what is your issue with finland? read up on history you have no right to bitch

Das rite. We're keeping tabs on you, Ivan. You stinking krokodil addict.

Attached: Finns.png (412x514, 62.3K)

I don't like it when mom and dad fight

Sweden, the most northern country of Africa.

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Finncucks hate Russia.

Sun is shining almost every day after long winter. People are getting depressed and its effects are felt on Any Forums and ylilauta.

why do they come here instead of their yliluatatatatatata containment zone

130000 russianfederationian immigrants


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Better banter.


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Owner of Ylilauta went full jewish so we are all here.

Attached: onko se jutku.jpg (899x899, 176.02K)

finflag never been rare online. whole fucking nation is living online but these posts are obviously paid faggots with vpn.

yli has turned into reddit

It's never been rare. There were flag s statistics from Any Forums from like 2013 and we always had high post count by population count.

Jokes aside, i have noticed they speak english too well, that's really weird, maybe you are right and most of them are paid shills

Finns speaking good english is weird?

Is spurdo sparde time and my benis is rog hard XDDD

oh, damn. that sucks :'(

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