Wtf Any Forums you lied to me

wtf Any Forums you lied to me

Zelenskyy isn’t Jewish. He’s an Orthodox Christian. He baptized his son and named him Kirill after the Greek Orthodox Monk who converted the Slavs to Christianity

Attached: 6D695667-3CAA-4BB9-A37B-98512EBC8666.jpg (1170x871, 325.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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hes and he stepped into the world through a portal opened from heaven by the rainbow fart of buddha

Conversion means nothing for jews. We had "converted" jewish families for centuries that all still practiced judaism in secret. Its to fool the non-believer.

no, but this is him in this video.

Attached: this is the president of ukraine.webm (960x720, 2.55M)

Zelensky 3:16 says I just fucked Rusky ass.

Attached: _87117228_gettyimages-488226322.jpg (976x549, 58.03K)

look at that nose and the ties with israel

The fact that he won’t advertise it indicates he’s not doing it for clout. If it were for clout he would have announced he was Christian.

Baby’s first time trying to understand jews. You have to go back

>it's a religion!

Attached: 5y9nkn.jpg (217x253, 10.01K)

>he won't advertise it
>whoa look at all these totally organic stories about him eing based and converting to Christianity
Fuck off kike, we all hope this kike is shelled.

what level of desperation is this?

>He’s an Orthodox Christian
Nice webm.

>rubbing hands
>"Hello fellow chr*stians"
conversion because of desperation is disgusting

Cyril didn't convert Slav(er)s to Christianity retard. We Moravian supermaster galaxy race invited Cyril and Methodius to Moravia because Roman Church didn't want to accept our language in churches

Religion has nothing to do with being Jewish

This, based Rostislaus

This board is fucking retarded and should never be taken seriously. This is a dumping ground, shit or get the fuck off the can.

Conversion is the final solution for the Jewish problem.
Bring me the Khazar milkers.

But it didn't last long, you became Pope's bitch shortly after and kicked their students out.

Once you're jewish, you're forever jewish. You can't just regrow that foreskin.